Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
November 7, 2012
PhysicsIn Hall C, the 185,000-pound dipole pair in the Short Orbit Spectrometer was removed and transported to the Central Material Storage Area. This magnet, installed in 1993 and used for most Hall C experiments, was used to analyze the momentum of electrons, positrons, pions, protons and kaons. The SOS spectrometer is being removed from the hall to make room for the the new Super High Momentum Spectrometer. Removal of the raised concrete floor is continuing in preparation for installation of the rails for the SHMS. Free-Electron LaserWork is proceeding on the new gun and upgrades to the existing beamlines. Vacuum maintenance work was underway all week for the cryomodules. The FEL team is proceeding with development of the ring resonator system. Center for Theoretical and Computational PhysicsThe internal consistency of parton distribution functions in the presence of target mass corrections (TMCs) at low values of Q2 is studied in a new paper. New results are obtained for the complete set of unpolarized structure functions and their moments in closed form for both electron and neutrino scattering. To avoid unphysical regions encountered in earlier TMC analyses, an expansion of the TMC structure functions is proposed order by order in 1/Q2, and the convergence properties of the resulting forms, as well as implications for JLab experiments, are discussed. EngineeringThe alignment group has been busy supporting the 12 GeV effort. The group has completed the alignment of the South Linac cryomodules and warm region girders. This involved moving the entire line by up to seven millimeters (a lot to beam optics) to conform with changes seen in movements of the accelerator tunnel through the years. The North Linac components were also moved earlier in the down. In the east arc, the initial alignment of all the refurbished components has been completed. The altered 0L/0R region chicane behind the 2nd recombiner (northwest corner of the accelerator) continues to be aligned. Additionally, the bolt locations for the stands in line D and the south extractor region have been marked. JLab Calendar of Events Nov. 5-8: TESLA Technology Collaboration (TTC) Meeting |
Environment, Safety, Health and Quality Are you sitting too much? For these workers, it's important to get up as often as possible and move around, for instance, to pick up the printout now rather than at the end of the day, to get a drink of water (that has its own health benefits) or to consult with a colleague. Getting up and moving around improves the circulation in the legs and feet. Workers can also stretch their arms and hands to further improve blood flow and help reduce the effects of too much screen time. Don't forget that your eyes need a break too, and getting away from the screen helps you exercise your eyes by focusing on objects at different distances. Computing and Networking Infrastructure Support for Windows 8 Announcements Disinfectant Hand Wipes for Your JLab Workspace JLab Veterans Day Salute Set for Monday, Nov. 12 Thanksgiving Warm-Up Buffet in the Quark Cafe Quark Cafe Takes Thanksgiving Dessert Orders Industry Presentation & Free Lunch: Interfacing EPICS & LabView Congratulations this week go to Samika Hawkins, who was the first to correctly identify the location for Oct. 31. Honorable mentions go to Narciso Gomez, Elaine Zuchowicz, Harry Fanning, Dick Owen, Michelle Shinn and Michael Haddox-Schatz. Check out the Tracking Thomas webpage for a better view of his last location and this week's new mystery photo. |