Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs September 12, 2012

Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
September 12, 2012

12 GeV Upgrade

The third sector of the PreShower Calorimeter for CLAS12 is complete and has been tested successfully with cosmic rays. The sixth wire chamber sector for Region 2 has been started at Old Dominion University, the third and fourth Region 1 chambers are being strung at Idaho State University, and the first two Region 3 chambers have been strung at JLab. High-voltage and readout boards are being added to the strung sectors and cosmic ray testing is underway. 

The first items of tooling for assembling the Silicon Vertex Tracker were built and sent to Fermilab, where the sensor modules will be put together. The last of five types of mirror substrates are being built for the high threshold Cerenkov counter. Assembly of the forward time-of-flight 1-b slats has reached the half-way point at the University of South Carolina. The existing time-of-flight slat arrays are being removed from CLAS and checked prior to refurbishment, as are the sectors of the existing Cerenkov counter. 

Analyses of the cold masses, which includes the coils and their cases, continued for the torus magnet. Bids for the solenoid magnet have been received from commercial vendors and are being evaluated.

Free-Electron Laser

Work continued on the removal of the DarkLight setup. Ancillary signal and power cables have been removed from the 3F05-06 region. The 6F and 8F viewer and video cables have been restored back to their original configuration. All diagnostic hardware has been removed and is ready to be moved into the Drive Laser Clean Room once the 16 channel device server gets installed. Effort has begun on rotating quadrupole magnets MQX3F04S and MQX3F05S back to their original skew orientation. In ongoing beam dynamics studies, the team continued the merger analysis work to explore linac acceptance and match dependencies of output beam quality in an effort to cross-check and further illuminate simulations of the installed Penner bend. The FEL team participated in the "Frontiers of THz" workshop at SLAC, with a presentation reviewing several state-of-the-art terahertz studies at JLab and other facilities.

Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics

In a new lattice QCD analysis, the scattering lengths of the isospin-3/2 , Dsπ, DsK, isospin-0 D‾K, and isospin-1 D‾K channels are calculated. Using a chiral unitary effective theory to next-to-leading order accuracy, and input from the lattice calculation, predictions for other channels can be made.  The results are consistent with the interpretation of the D*s0(2317) state as a DK "molecule," and predict that the isospin-breaking hadronic decay width ΓD*s0(2317) → Dsπ is (89 ± 27) keV.

Facilities Management and Logistics

Central Material Storage Area Access Information
JLab's Central Material Storage Area is the centralized spot for refuse, scrap and recycling containers, storage of bulk materials, hazardous waste and used oils, material handling equipment and diesel and E-85 fuel for lab vehicles. The CMSA is located east of the Test Lab (Bldg. 58), at the end of BCS Road. This area is controlled and is open on Tuesday and Friday mornings from 9-10 a.m. For access outside these times, see the all-hands memo for contact information.

Computing and Networking Infrastructure

CNI Maintenance Period Set for Sept. 18, 5-7 p.m.
The Computer Center will deliver updated Firefox, Java, and Adobe Flash Player software to centrally managed desktop systems on Tuesday, Sept 18. Additionally, during this planned maintenance period, Windows and Linux patches will also be released to all managed desktop systems. Plan on rebooting your system (or restarting affected applications) as soon as reasonably convenient following the patch and software delivery. Direct any questions or concerns to the IT Helpdesk, x7155.


No TED Building Access Overnight Thursday
JLab's Technology and Engineering Development building, Bldg. 55, will be closed to all personnel  9 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 13, through 6 a.m. Friday, Sept. 14. If you have questions or concerns, contact Rusty Sprouse, x7589.

Major JLab Cryogenics Advancements Being Used by NASA
The JLab Cryogenics group will present two colloquia regarding their work concerning NASA's James Webb Space Telescope on Tuesday, Sept. 18, at 1:30 p.m. in the CEBAF Center auditorium. The colloquia, titled JLab Liquid Nitrogen Thermo-Siphon Design for NASA's Space Environment Simulation Lab and 20 K Helium Refrigerator for NASA's Space Environment Simulation Lab, are open to all.

DOE Hosts Science Lecture Series
As part of its Science Lecture Series, DOE is hosting a lecture on the Higgs boson Friday, Sept. 14, at 10 a.m. Joseph Incandela, Senior Spokesperson for the Compact Muon Solenoid experiment at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider. will discuss the possible sighting of the Higgs boson and how DOE contributed to the research, what the potential discovery means and where the research goes from here. The lecture may be watched live online or as a video on the DOE website after the event.

Engineering Seeks its Portable Thermometer/Data Logger
The Engineering Division is asking staff from all JLab work centers to check around their work and equipment storage areas for an 8-Input Portable Thermometer/Data Logger with SC Card that was loaned out from Engineering sometime last summer (2011). The unit is a 10.5 inch long (27 mm) hand-held device with a 5 inch display screen, and should carry a JLab property tag bearing the number F223204. If you know where the device is or could be or may have seen it in the last few months, contact Ron Lauze, x7186.

Tracking Thomas at JLab
Little Thomas is visiting all corners of the JLab campus. If you can identify his location this week, email Kandice Carter with your guess. Guesses are accepted through Friday.

Congratulations this week go to Annie Tran, Lori Zukerman and Stephanie Vermeire, who were the first to correctly identify the location for Aug. 22. Honorable mentions go to Chris Stanislav, Connie Adams, Brian Agor, Jodi Patient, Doug Higinbotham, Ron Bartek, Dipangkar Dutta, Samika Hawkins, Robert Martin, Sasa Radovic, Jim Follkie, Michelle Shinn, Brita Hampton, Tonya Evans, Ryan Bodenstein, Casey Heck, Narciso Gomez, Dena Polyhronakis, Michael Haddox-Schatz, Marcy Stutzman, Sue Witherspoon, Pashupati Dhakal, Harry Fanning, David Jenkins and Debra Brand. Check out the Tracking Thomas webpage for a better view of his last location and this week's new mystery photo.

JLab Calendar of Events

Sept. 14: United Way Day of Caring
Sept. 18: Cryogenics Colloquia and Public Lectures
Sept. 24: Safety Shoe Vendor onsite
Oct. 4-5: GlueX Collaboration Meeting
Oct. 10-13: CLAS Collaboration Meeting
Oct. 15: Safety Shoe Vendor onsite
Oct. 17: Colloquium and Public Lecture