Nearly 50 current and former Jefferson Lab employees were recognized on Sept. 29, 2016, for inventions they created while carrying out their work at the lab – unique innovations that resulted in 39 patents – awarded between 2011 and 2014. The event began with a reception in the CEBAF Center lobby, followed by the presentation of patent certificates.
Nearly 50 current and former Jefferson Lab employees were recognized on Sept. 29, 2016, for inventions they created while carrying out their work at the lab – unique innovations that resulted in 39 patents.
On hand to applaud their efforts were SURA President and CEO, Jerry Draayer; PAE Chief Operating Officer, Karl Williams; Lab Director Hugh Montgomery and other members of lab leadership. Draayer and Williams are vice chairs of the JSA Board of Directors.
In opening remarks, Draayer congratulated the patent recipients for their successes, and emphasized the importance of pursuing patents as an essential part of the lab’s ongoing technology transfer program.
Draayer was followed by Williams. “Receiving a patent is tough. When you think about a patent it is all about creating something that is unique, something different, something lasting. It also shows our customer that we are innovative and creating new value for JSA and for DOE (the Department of Energy).” Williams commented.
“I’m pleased to be here to congratulate all our innovators. It is a privilege to be part of this mission in the advancement of science.”
Next to take the podium was guest speaker Zack Miller, a notable Tidewater-area entrepreneur, who founded a regionally acclaimed business incubator called Hatch. He commended the inventors on the hard-earned achievement of receiving a patent, and said how inspiring it was to be with the group. “I’ve invested in 13 companies and have applied for one patent – and am still waiting to hear the outcome,” he quipped.
“This is a celebration of you,” he exclaimed. “It is cool to be among people who have done something that only a few have done.”
He posed the challenge: “How do you take what you are doing today and turn it into something even bigger?”
He praised the lab’s entrepreneurial leave program and described it as a “huge opportunity.” “Hampton Roads is among the best places in the U.S. to start a business. Now you have the paper, the next step is to go out and change the world.”
Jefferson Lab’s Chief Technology Officer, Drew Weisenberger, concluded the remarks, saying, “I realize how hard it is to put your ideas together for an invention disclosure, to get it through our system and then put it through the patent process. I know the time and work involved. I appreciate what each of you have done and accomplished, and the work involved in helping us license your innovations.”
The patents, which were awarded between 2011 and 2014, cover a wide range of innovations and advancements in accelerator and particle detector technologies and instrumentation. Jefferson Science Associates (JSA), the management and operations contractor for Jefferson Lab, owns the patents. JSA encourages lab staff to apply for patents on novel ideas through the lab’s Technology Transfer Office. To recognize the development of new technology and advancements, JSA awards $500 per patent, and shares royalties, after administrative expenses, evenly between the lab and the inventors.
Depending on the number of patent applications awaiting review at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), obtaining a patent can take 1-2 years, according to Weisenberger. After an invention disclosure is sent to the JSA patent attorney, an application is drafted by the attorney and reviewed by the inventor(s). When all necessary parties are satisfied with the application, it is filed with the USPTO. The patent attorney coordinates with the Jefferson Lab counsel and responds to any official actions by the USPTO.
The potential value is not only to JSA and Jefferson Lab programs, but also to private industry and high-tech startups through technology transfer. Any established company or start-up business may submit a proposal to obtain a license of rights from JSA to use, manufacture or sell a JSA invention, copyrighted material or patent.
2011-2014 Patent Award Recipients (alphabetically)*
Trent Allison, Engineering Div. | 1 Patent - 8,130,045 | |
Jim Boyce, Accelerator Div. | 1 Patent - 7,885,385 | |
Paul Brindza, Physics Div. | 2 Patents - 8,450,707; 8,664,630 | |
James Brock, Physics Div. | 1 Patent - 8,214,987 | |
Tadeu Caneiro | 1 Patent - 8,128,765 | |
Steve Christo, Physics Div. | 1 Patent - 8,863,568 | |
Pavel Degtiarenko, ESH&Q Div. | 3 Patents - 8,648,314; 7,911,278; 8334,523 | |
Jean Delayen, Accelerator Div. | 2 Patents - 7,884,333; 8,130,045 | |
David Douglas, Accelerator Div. | 2 Patents - 8,093,840; 8,217,596 | |
Peter Eklund | 1 Patent - 8,317,983 | |
Steven W. Falen | 1 Patent - 8,183,530 | |
Karlen Gynashyan | 1 Patent - 8,138,460 | |
Osamu Hashimoto | 1 Patent - 8,138,460 | |
Richard A. Hoefer | 1 Patent - 8,183,530 | |
Brian Holloway | 1 Patent - 8,317,983 | |
Alicia Hofler, Accelerator Div. | 1 Patent - 8,581,526 | |
Curt Hovater, Engineering Div. | 1 Patent - 8,130,045 | |
Kevin Jordan, Accelerator Div. | 8 Patents - 8,522,817; 8,573,446; 8,673,120; 8,679,300; 8,753,578; 8,206,674; 8,317,983; 8,334,899 | |
Michael Kelley, Accelerator Div. | 1 Patent - 8,812,068 | |
Christopher Keith, Physics Div. | 1 Patent - 8,214,987 | |
John M. Klopf | 1 Patent - 8,812,068 | |
Peter Kneisel, Accelerator Div. | 1 Patent - 8,128,765 | |
Brian Kross, Physics Div. | 4 Patents - 8,183,530; 8,217,359; 8,444,264; 8,536,532 | |
Seung Joon Lee, Physics Div. | 1 Patent - 8,335,363 | |
Chuyu Liu | 1 Patent - 8,031,414 | |
Daniel J. Macey | 1 Patent – 8,049,176 | |
Stan Majewski | 7 Patents - 7,884,331; 8,017,916; 8,049,176; 8,071,949; 8,138,460; 8,183,530; 8,295,910 | |
Amur Margaryan, Physics Div. | 1 Patent - 8,138,460 | |
Gagik Marikyan | 1 Patent - 8,138,460 | |
Lia Marikyan | 1 Patent - 8,138,460 | |
Jack McKisson, Physics Div. | 2 Patents - 8,444,264; 8,536,532 | |
John McKisson, Physics Div. | 5 Patents - 8,536,532; 8,444,264; 8,335,363; 8,217,359; 8,183,530 | |
Mac Mestayer, Physics Div. | 1 Patent - 8,863,568 | |
Bert Metzger, Physics Div. | 2 Patents - 8,450,707; 8,664,630 | |
Igor Musotov | 1 Patent - 8,648,314 | |
John Musson, Engineering Div. | 1 Patent - 8,130,045 | |
Ganapati Myneni, Accelerator Div. | 2 Patents - 8,128,765; 8,903,464 | |
George Neil, Accelerator Div. | 2 Patents -8,362,430; 8,334,899 | |
Tomasz Plawski, Engineering Div. | 1 Patent - 8,130,045 | |
Vladimir Popov, ESH&Q Div. | 2 Patents - 8,648,314; 7,911,278 | |
James Proffitt | 3 Patents - 7,884,331; 8,071,949; 8,183,530 | |
Mark F. Smith | 1 Patent - 8,335,363 | |
Michael Smith | 5 Patents - 8,206,674; 8,317,983; 8,673,120; 8,753,578; 8,679,300 | |
Alexander Stolin | 3 Patents - 8,183,530; 8,217,359; 8,335,363 | |
Michelle Shinn, Accelerator Div. | 1 Patent - 8,317,983 | |
Senthilaraja Singaravelu | 1 Patent - 8,812,068 | |
Mark Taylor, Physics Div. | 1 Patent - 8,863,568 | |
Chris Tennant, Accelerator Div. | 1 Patent - 8,217,596 | |
Liguang Tang, Physics Div. | 1 Patent - 8,138,460 | |
John Wallace | 1 Patent - 8,903,464 | |
Andrew Weisenberger, Physics Div. | 6 Patents - 8,049,176; 8,183,530; 8,217,359; 8,295,910; 8,444,264; 8,536,532 | |
Roy Whitney | 1 Patent - 8,673,120 | |
Gwyn Williams, Accelerator Div. | 1 Patent - 8,362,430 | |
Guy Wilson | 1 Patent - 8,842,703 | |
Wenze Xi, Physics Div. | 2 Patents - 8,536,532; 8,444,264 | |
Shukui Zhang, Accelerator Div. | 3 Patents - 8,031,414; 8,842,703; 8,467,425 | |
Carl Zorn, Physics Div. | 3 Patents - 8,217,359; 8,444,264; 8,536,532 |
*Included in this list are a handful of inventor/innovation collaborators from outside the lab who are co-inventors on patents.
This list includes only patents awarded during calendar years 2011 through 2014. Patents awarded beginning in calendar year 2015 and later will be recognized in the future.