QCD Town Hall Meeting

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  • QCD Town Hall Meeting
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    2022-09-23EDT8:30:00 ~ 2022-09-25EDT18:00:00
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We look forward to interacting with you all at the forthcoming QCD Town Hall Meeting on September 23 - 25 at MIT! (https://indico.mit.edu/e/QCDTownHall)

The full meeting program is now available on the indico site. As you can see, the meeting will consist of a set of invited plenary and parallel session talks, open discussion time and open mic time. The open mic sessions will consist of contributed flash talks (1 - 2 slides, <4 minutes) that allow all community members to present their thoughts and ideas in a focused and concise manner. If you would like to present such a talk, please submit a title and brief abstract using the following link: https://forms.gle/2HYhxFvvfXapJ5ci6 (Note, contributions for the open mic session are open to both in-person and remote participants)

We ask that you submit your contributions by Monday, September 19th, 9am ET.

Also, we encourage everyone to sign-up for updates on APS-Engage platform.

Event Date
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Scientific Program
Contact Name
Or Hen
(617) 258-0541