Cyberduck configuration for Farm and QCD clusters

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Cyberduck 7.7.0 and later support configuration of a jump-host, via a selective reading of your OpenSSH ~/.ssh/config file.  In particular, Cyberduck's implementation does not support the %h token or Match host stanzas used in the KB0014918 configuration to avoid repetition, so I recommend you prepend (so that it overrides;  alternatively, use without the KB0014918 configuration) duplicate but equivalent configuration that Cyberduck can successfully interpret, e.g.

Then, when you enter ifarm (no unless you set Host that way -- you must enter it into Cyberduck exactly as you configured it in .ssh/config, no more, no less) for Server, URL should show the configured Hostname and Username should auto-fill.

Provide either your (CUE) Password or an SSH Private Key, and then Connect.  If you haven't saved it, you'll be prompted to accept scilogin's host key fingerprint

and then to provide your two-factor credential (PIN followed by OTP, no spaces).

Be sure that you do not add this credential to Keychain, lest Cyberduck try to use it again and be unable to log in (in fact, I'd recommend disabling the feature under Cyberduck > Preferences > Connection > Use Keychain so you don't leave Add to Keychain checked accidentally and have to go find and delete your no-longer-valid credential from Keychain).

As before with scilogin, if you haven't saved it, you'll now be prompted to accept ifarm's host key fingerprint