Environment Modules

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Environment Modules on ifarm/farm

Our installed software is moving from /apps to CVMFS. As before, we DO NOT include these paths in your shell by default. 

EL7 using /apps area (deprecated)

EL9 using CVMFS

Until we have our own Stratum 0 repository, we are leveraging OASIS (the OSG Application Software Installation Service). It's a long path, but only has to be used once.

Known Issues

Depending on the version of environment-modules that's installed, it sorts the versions differently.  For example, using 'module load gcc' will load gcc/9.3.0 instead of gcc/10.2.0.  So it's best to specify the version you want for consistent results.

Requesting additional software

You can request for new packages to be installed into CVMFS by submitting a ServiceNow incident.