(Open)SSH configuration for Farm and QCD clusters

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A security mandate now requires that you first SSH to a log-in gateway before logging in to an ifarm or qcdi host, regardless of whether you are starting on the on-site network or not (satisfying the two-factor authentication requirement without requiring it on ifarm/qcdi themselves).  You can automate that step, allowing you to "directly" ssh (but also ssh -X, scp, sftp, and rsync-over-SSH!) by configuring the ~/.ssh/config (creating the file, if necessary) on the host you are SSHing from (typically your laptop or desktop) with a ProxyJump, e.g.


Re-using connections

To reduce the number of times you need to enter your password or perform two-factor authentication, you can add ControlMaster configuration (if you already have a Match host *.jlab.org. you can append the Control... lines to that stanza, or just have multiple Match host *.jlab.org. stanzas).

See man page ssh_config(5) (ideally on the host you're SSHing from, but also available online) for more information about these directives.

Restarting a shared connection

You can have a problem, for example with X-forwarding, if you need different options for a connection but you're re-using an old one.

Microsoft Windows

I have also written up instructions for PuTTY.  For Windows-native OpenSSH, the configuration file is placed under %userprofile% instead of ~ (e.g. C:/Users/lsh/.ssh/config -- create the .ssh directory if it doesn't already exist), and you will need to omit both

  • both exec checks (which, unlike the rest of the line before them, do not apply on Windows), as well as
  • the connection-reuse/sharing (ControlMaster) configuration (which is unsupported)

Visual Studio (VS) Code (using Microsoft's "Remote - SSH" extension)

As a prerequisite, make sure the OpenSSH configuration is working from the command prompt (whether that's Windows' cmd.exe, Linux/macOS' /bin/sh, or some other shell) as shown above.  Enable Remote.SSH: Remote Server Listen On Socket in your VSCode User Settings.  When you select Remote-SSH: Connect to Host... from the Command Palette, you should see the hosts configured in your .ssh/config already listed.