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  • Team Folder

    This folder contains sub-folders related to the management and operation of the group and is restricted to Magnet Group members.

    SGROUP Drive Path name: M:\JLab_Magnet_Group


    Design Tools

    This folder contains material property information and design tools developed by the Magnet Group. It is presently restricted to Magnet Group members.

  • Conference Date
    Conference Location


    We kindly ask all attendees to provide their full name when entering the event. If attendees have questions for the speaker, please introduce yourself before asking the question

    Speaker: Guoxing Wang (Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Hautes Energies, LPTHE)

    Title: Next-to-Leading Power Resummed Rapidity Distributions Near Threshold for Drell-Yan and Diphoton Production...

  • Conference Date
    Conference Location

    CC F326-327

    Speaker: Valery Shemelin, Cornell University

    Title: Optimization of Superconducting Cavities: Shape, Fields, Multipactor

    Abstract: A method is discussed to search geometrical parameters of elliptical cavities to obtain the best possible figures of merit: B_pk/E_acc (peak magnetic field) and GR/Q (losses) for a given E_pk/E_acc (peak electric field), aperture, wall slope...

  • Conference Date
    Conference Location


    Speaker: Christopher Kane (University of Arizona)

    Title: Methods for high-precision determinations of radiative-leptonic decay form factors using lattice QCD

    Abstract: In the region of hard photon energies, radiative leptonic decays of pseudoscalar mesons represent important probes of the internal structure of hadrons. Such decays are particularly interesting for heavy...

  • Conference Date
    Conference Location

    Argonne National Laboratory

    The next ePIC Collaboration Meeting will be held January 9–13, 2024, and hosted by Argonne National Laboratory.

  • Conference Date
    Conference Location

    TED 2561A, 2561B, 2559

    Info coming soon.