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  • Nineteen Teams to Compete in Virginia Regional High School Science Bowl on Feb. 6

    NEWPORT NEWS, Va. – Hundreds of students, their team coaches and students’ family members converged on Jefferson Lab on March 5 to participate in the Virginia Regional Middle School Science Bowl.

    At the end of the day, Nysmith School for the Gifted, Herndon, finished in first place – moving up from the school’s third place finish at last year’s competition. Nysmith will now represent Virginia at the National Science Bowl® (NSB) finals to be held in Washington, D.C., April 28-May 2.

  • Twenty Teams to Compete in Virginia Middle School Science Bowl on March 5

    NEWPORT NEWS, Va. – Some of the brightest young minds in the Commonwealth will meet at the U.S. Department of Energy's Jefferson Lab on March 5, to compete in the Virginia Regional Middle School Science Bowl. Teams from 20 schools are registered for this year's academic competition.

  • NEWPORT NEWS, Va. – Elementary- and middle-school teachers interested in learning new and innovative methods for teaching the physical sciences are invited to attend the annual JSA Region II Teacher Night, scheduled for Wednesday, April 13, at the Department of Energy's Jefferson Lab.

  • NEWPORT NEWS, Va. –  The Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility will conduct the monthly test of its tornado warning siren at 10:30 a.m. on Friday, March 4. Depending on weather conditions at the time of the test, the siren could be heard by anyone within a 1.5-mile radius of the lab.

    The test will be carried out over a period that could last up to three minutes. The test will be of the wavering tone (also called high-low-high or 10-4-10).

  • NEWPORT NEWS, Va. – The U.S. Department of Energy’s Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator, or Jefferson Lab, will hold an open house for the public on Saturday, April 30, from 9 a.m.–3 p.m.

    It is an opportunity for people of all ages to spend the day exploring this world-class research facility. Among the features will be tours, exhibits, hands-on activities and interactive displays and demonstrations, such as the ever-popular Liquid Nitrogen Show. Visitors will be able to see much of the lab, learn about its research and the technological advances being made.