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  • Team Folder

    This folder contains sub-folders related to the management and operation of the group and is restricted to Magnet Group members.

    SGROUP Drive Path name: M:\JLab_Magnet_Group


    Design Tools

    This folder contains material property information and design tools developed by the Magnet Group. It is presently restricted to Magnet Group members.

  • Jefferson Laboratory benefits from organizing and centralizing sufficient superconducting and resistive magnet expertise to support existing and future magnets at the lab. The Magnet Group is a Technical Support Group within the Experimental Nuclear Physics Division which fulfills this role.

  • Working Together
    October 7, 2014

  • Fall Run
    September 8, 2014

  • You will recall that in the fall of 2015, I wrote a Montage about the intent to develop an Integrated Diversity and Inclusion program. The Diversity and Inclusion Council, under Chairpersons Mary Logue and Rolf Ent, has been working in collaboration with the Public Affairs office on several initiatives, which will soon go public. One of the very interesting but pernicious effects which, to a greater or lesser degree, we all are susceptible to is implicit bias. We are also looking to provide training for supervisors and also to enhance the information provided to people involved in the hiring process, which would include cultural context, gender communications, as well as implicit bias.

  • Our upgrade project is called the 12 GeV CEBAF Upgrade Project.

    At the time CD-4A was achieved, we demonstrated 2.2 GeV per pass. This was 12 GeV! Well, not quite. In fact with more than one pass, we limited ourselves to a little more than 6 GeV with three passes, and to 10.5 GeV with 5.5 passes. It was not felt to be prudent to demand 12 GeV out of the machine immediately after turn on.