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  • Team Folder

    This folder contains sub-folders related to the management and operation of the group and is restricted to Magnet Group members.

    SGROUP Drive Path name: M:\JLab_Magnet_Group


    Design Tools

    This folder contains material property information and design tools developed by the Magnet Group. It is presently restricted to Magnet Group members.

  • Jefferson Laboratory benefits from organizing and centralizing sufficient superconducting and resistive magnet expertise to support existing and future magnets at the lab. The Magnet Group is a Technical Support Group within the Experimental Nuclear Physics Division which fulfills this role.

  • Grad. Students Sought for Lab Tour Program

    The Public Affairs office is seeking graduate students who are interested in working as tour escorts during lab tours. In addition to learning about other areas of the lab, meeting new people and practicing your public speaking skills, students can receive payment for assisting as tour escorts and/or tour subject matter speakers. For more information about this program, contact Mike Robbins, email or call 269-7617.

  • Congestion in CEBAF Center Parking Lot Evening of Thursday, Jan. 8

    The Newport News Fire Department will hold its annual recognition ceremony and reception in the CEBAF Center auditorium and lobby on the evening of Thursday, Jan. 8.

    Fire Department personnel will begin arriving around 4 p.m. to set up for the event. Shortly after 5 p.m. the firefighters’ family members will begin arriving. The event will begin at 6 p.m. and last until about 8:30 p.m.

  • Demolition/Construction to Close Parking Areas Near Accelerator Site Entrance

    Demolition of the two Radiation Control Department trailers and Building 52 is expected to begin on July 13 and will take about one month. The parking area around these buildings will be closed beginning the evening of July 10 and will remain closed until construction of the new ESH&Q building on the same site is complete in 2016.

    All personnel are reminded to stay out of this area. If you have any questions about this project, contact Suresh Chandra at x7248.

  • All United Way Raffle Winners Identified, Pledge Forms Due Monday, Nov. 3


    All three of the winning United Way Raffle tickets have been turned in. Congratulations to Floyd Martin, Physics Division, and Sharon Parkinson, CFO Division, winners of the iPad minis, and to Todd Coates, IT Division, on winning the Apple iPad.

    Please remember: