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  • They Scatter Neutrinos, Don't They?

    Despite the crushing difficulty of using neutrinos as a probe, neutrino scattering experiments in the US and Japan have recently benefited from ever more intense neutrino beams, new schemes for building cost-effective, large, capable detectors, and dogged determination to run long enough to complete a thousand marathons.  I’ll discuss recent some results and techniques, with a focus on the MINERvA experiment at Fermilab.

  • A recording of the Theory Seminar given by Ferenc Pittler on Dec 11th, 2023.

    A talk by Ferenc Pittle

  • A recording of the Theory Seminar given by Dominik Stamen of Bonn University on March 4th.

    A presentation by Dominik Stamen (Bonn University).

  • A recording of the Theory Seminar given by Martin Schvellinger of Instituto de Física La Plata on March 25th.

    A presentation by Martin Schvellinger (Instituto de Física La Plata, CONICET-UNLP, Argentina).

  • A recording of the Theory Seminar given by Yannick Ulrich of University of Bern on April 1st.

    A presentation by Yannick Ulrich (University of Bern).

  • Accelerator Seminar: Michael Tobar   |    April 11, 2024    |    11am   |  CC L102/Zoom

    Title: Precision Metrology with Photons, Phonons and Spins: Answering Major Unsolved Problems in Physics and Advancing Translational Science


  • Accelerator Seminar: Daniele Sertore   |    April 11, 2024    |    2pm   |   CC L102/Zoom

    Title: HB2TF: A First Step towards BriXSinO at INFN LASA



  • A recording of the Theory Seminar given by Doreen Fraser of University of Waterloo and Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics on April 15th.

    A presentation by Doreen Fraser (University of Waterloo and Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics).

  • CEBAF Center is Jefferson Lab's main administration building.

    CEBAF Center is Jefferson Lab's main administration building.  It provides conference, meeting and office space for laboratory staff and more than 1,300 researchers from around the world who conduct research here. CEBAF Center also houses the Computer Center, where scientists can store and analyze data from experiments. They also use the lab’s super computers to run simulations of experiments.

  • A recording of the Theory Seminar given by Maneesha Pradeep of University of Maryland on April 22nd.

    A presentation by Maneesha Pradeep (University of Maryland).