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  • Octopus -- big picture with detailed legs.

    Novel Scientific Aspects (more details than main page)

    • Simultaneous extractions
    • Monte Carlo
    • Bayesian inference
    • Uncertainty quantification
    • Higher theory
      • Beyond leading power
      • Nuclear effects
    • Machine learning

    Generic analysis flowchart

  • The generalized parton distributions in part describe the spatial distributions of bound partons.

  • JAM is a group that influences all parts of JLAB and scientific research. The projects we work on cover a wide range of physics.

  • The JLab Theory Center is engaged in a range of outreach activities aiming to disseminate its specific knowledge and research to the broader academic community, attract and train future generations of scientists, and promote the awareness and understanding of science in society at large. Programs are aimed at university students at the graduate and undergraduate level, K-12 students in local school systems, and social media audiences.

  • The CJ Collaboration consists of the following members:


    • Alberto Accardi (Hampton University and Jefferson Lab)
    • Karol Kovarik (University of Muenster)
    • Wally Melnitchouk (Jefferson Lab)
    • Jeff Owens (Florida State University)
    • Nobuo Sato (Jefferson Lab)


  • PDF databases

    Spin-dependent PDFs

  •  One of the grand challenges of the program to image the nucleon's internal 3-dimensional quark and gluon structure is our ability to transform the observed data, presented as a collection of momentum 4-vectors of the final state particles (collectively called events

  • Lattice QCD enables the three-dimensional internal structure of hadrons such as the nucleon to be computed from first principles within QCD.  The HadStruc Collaboration exploits lattice QCD to calculate the key measures of structure, such as the one-dimensional parton distribution functions (PDFs) and form factors, and the three-dimensional measures such as the generalized parton distributions that enc