STRONG-2020 Dissemination Lecture: How big is the proton?

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  • STRONG-2020 Dissemination Lecture: How big is the proton?
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Dear members of the STRONG-2020 community, dear colleagues,

With this message we would like to inform you and ask your support to publicize a new initiative put forward and organized by the STRONG-2020 Dissemination Board: “The STRONG-2020 Public Lecture Series”. This series addresses the general public as well as high-school students, but it will also be of interest to the members of STRONG-2020, our students and whoever might be interested to have an insight into our activities.

We are very glad to announce the kick-off lecture of this series, interactive live on YouTube, on December 16, 2020 at 15:00 h (9:00 a.m. EST, United States) on the INFN LNF - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati platform, where a STRONG-2020 channel was created (the lectures will be also posted on our STRONG-2020 dedicated YouTube channel).

Our first guest speakers will be Dr. Randolf. Pohl and Dr. Jan C. Bernauer, who will discuss the question:

How big is the proton?

The event will be transmitted live on:

We are at your disposal for further details/information.

Many greetings,

Catalina Curceanu
Achim Denig
(on behalf of the STRONG-2020 Dissemination Board)

Event Date
Public/Community Affairs
06 9403 2423/28