Theory Seminar: Giovanni Chirilli

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  • Theory Seminar: Giovanni Chirilli
    2023-12-18EST13:00:00 ~ 2023-12-18EST14:00:00
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Theory Seminar: Giovanni Chirilli

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Speaker: Giovanni Chirilli (Regensburg University)

Title: High-Energy Behavior of Quark Non-Local Operator: Implications for Lattice Calculations

Abstract: Pseudo and quasi-PDFs are key tools to compute parton distribution functions (PDFs) directly on the lattice. However, using the lattice to make these calculations has its challenges. To get the Bjorken-x dependence from the bi-local operator, one needs to know the behavior of these operators for large values of the momentum hadronic target. Lattice calculation, on the other hand, can provide values only for finite values of this parameter. I will describe the method to obtain such behavior by resumming the necessary logarithms, thereby providing a way to enhance the accuracy and reliability of lattice-derived PDFs.

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Event Date
Scientific Program
Contact Name
Caroline Costa
(757) 782-7513