Theory Seminar: Khépani Raya

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  • Theory Seminar: Khépani Raya
    2023-05-15EDT13:00:00 ~ 2023-05-15EDT14:00:00
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Speaker: Khépani Raya (University of Huelva)

Title: Pion and kaon generalized parton distributions from continuum methods

Abstract: Despite being the lightest hadrons in nature, pions and kaons provide a unique window into the mechanisms underlying the mass generation of visible matter. Several structural properties of such mesons are encoded within the so called Generalized Parton Distributions (GPDs). The experimental extraction and mathematical derivation of GPDs, however, represent an enormous challenge. Based upon continuum approaches to quantum chromodynamics, we shall discuss two complementary paths to derive the pion and kaon GPDs: one based upon the overlap representation of the corresponding light-front wave functions, and another one that follows a diagrammatic approach and succeeds in satisfying the required symmetries in a novel manner.

Event Date
Scientific Program
Contact Name
Patrick Barry
(708) 612-0198