Accelerator Seminar: Zeming Sun

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  • Accelerator Seminar: Zeming Sun
    CC L102
    2023-12-14EST11:00:00 ~ 2023-12-14EST12:00:00
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Title: Functionalizing Advanced Materials and Surfaces in Superconducting RF

Speaker: Zeming Sun (Cornell University)
Accelerator Seminar: Zeming Sun

Abstract: Materials scientists seek to contribute to the development of next-generation SRF accelerating cavities. In this seminar, I present recent achievements and learnings in designing advanced SRF materials and surfaces, including Nb3Sn [1,2], ZrNb(CO) [3,4], and Au/Nb surface design [5,6]. Efforts involve electrochemical synthesis, phase transformation, and surface chemistry, which are closely coupled with superconducting properties, SRF performance, and engineering considerations. I develop electrochemical processes for Sn, Zr, and Au on the Nb surface, an essential step in my investigation for producing high-quality Nb3Sn, ZrNb(CO), and Au/Nb structures. I design a custom chemical vapor deposition system to offer additional growth options. I reveal fundamental mechanisms in vacuum baking (oxygen processing) and nitrogen processing, linked to collective contributions from second phase formation and surface oxides [6]. I identify low-dielectric-loss ZrO2 on Nb and NbZr(CO) surfaces. These advancements provide materials science approaches dealing with fundamental and technical challenges to build high-performance, multi-scale, robust SRF cavities for particle accelerators and quantum applications.

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Event Date
CC L102
Scientific Program
Contact Name
Dennis Turner
(757) 269-7100