ES&H Manual



6410 Laser Safety Program



It has been determined that working with Classes 3B and 4 lasers carries an unmitigated risk code assignment > 2. At a minimum, all tasks requiring these lasers are discussed with the supervisor prior to commencement of work. A Laser Operational Safety Procedure (LOSP) is written in accordance with Chapter 3210, Work Planning, Control, and Authorization Process for work considered to have a risk code > 2.

1.0           Purpose

At Jefferson Lab, high-power lasers (Class 3B and Class 4) are used in research and accelerator operations. This Laser Safety Program provides the methods used to mitigate the hazards posed by high-power lasers that operate at wavelengths between 180 nm and 1 mm. Jefferson Science Associates has developed engineering and administrative controls to mitigate the hazard issues associated with the use of lasers. 

Low-power lasers, such as Class 2 and Class 3R (previously Class 3a) laser pointers and alignment lasers, purchased through TJNAFs purchasing process, are safe when used as intended. 

This program satisfies applicable requirements as outlined in 2410, Appendix T1: Hazard Issues List.

2.0           Scope

This program pertains to lasers above Class 3R. If the laser class you are working with is unclear, contact the Laser Safety Officer for a determination.

TJNAF considers Class 3R and below lasers to be safe; however, never stare into a beam or view directly with optical instruments. Individuals are to follow department procedures when using these types of lasers.

3.0           Responsibilities

Note:   Management authority may be delegated to a task-qualified TJNAF employee at the discretion of the responsible manager.

3.1            Qualified Laser Worker (QLW)

All persons who will become QLWs must fulfill the following training requirements for Classes 3B and 4 lasers.


Numerical Designation

Laser Orientation


Eye Exam for Laser Safety


Laser-Specific Training

task- and area-specific;

seek guidance from LSS and/or LSO

* refer to 6800, Appendix T1: Medical Monitoring

·       maintain current training (SAF114O and laser-specific training)

·       maintain required medical monitoring in accordance with 6800, Appendix T1: Medical Monitoring

·       use the laser and required hazard controls in accordance with the LOSP)

·       perform laser alignment and maintenance operations only when authorized by the LSS

·       request an equipment or area hazard evaluation be conducted the LSO if compliance with these requirements is unclear

·       In the event of an accidental exposure to a laser beam (direct or indirect), contact Occupational Medicine immediately.

o   during off-normal hours, contact the emergency medical facility

·       In case of a laser control failure (e.g., interlock, enclosure failure, or other engineered control), immediately halt laser operations and contact the LSS.

·       In the event that there is laser incident (such as exposure, fire, etc.) or near-miss, immediately halt lasing operations, and contact the LSS.

3.2            Laser System Supervisor (LSS)

The LSS is designated as such by Line Management in authority to monitor and control the safe use of a specific laser or group of lasers. This individual is responsible for writing the Laser Operating Safety Procedure (LOSP) for the specific laser or laser system, and qualifying laser users. Qualifications include:

·       Laser Safety Training (SAF114O)

·       appointment by division management

·       physics or engineering degree

The LSS is responsible for the following:

·       approve Laser Operating Safety Procedures (LOSP)

·       maintain an inventory of all lasers within their responsibility

·       consult with LSO when considering alteration to the laser system, hazard controls, or enclosure construction material

·       consult with LSO when alterations could change the laser classification (i.e. installation or removal of power attenuating filter)

·       authorize only Qualified Laser Workers for laser use, alignment and maintenance operations

·       provide specific laser system training and maintain record of approved users

·       implement approved LOSP requirements

·       verify and approve service representative’s qualifications for laser maintenance and repair operations

·       determine appropriate laser protective eyewear (LPE) and personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements for laser system

·       perform Laser Safety Control Inspections in accordance with 6410, Appendix T5: Laser Safety Control Inspections

·       if supervising inexperienced workers, develop an equipment and area-specific laser mentor program, appropriate to the class of laser

·       maintain a list of Qualified Laser Workers for specific equipment and areas

·       in case there is an accidental exposure to the laser beam (direct or indirect), secure the laser and work area & contact the LSO

·       secure the work area and notify the LSO of any near-miss event such as loss of beam containment, failure of a hazard control, unauthorized entry into a laser-controlled area LCA

·       use account code 043-015: Laser Tools & Equip to purchase lasers and related equipment

3.3            Laser Safety Officer (LSO)

The LSO is appointed by the ES&H Division Director in authority to monitor and control the safe use of lasers at Jefferson Lab.

The LSO must be a CIH, RSO, CSP, or CLSO and have completed a minimum 4-day LSO training course that includes:

·       review of laser parameters and fundamentals

·       LSO duties and responsibilities

·       effects of laser beams on the eye and skin

·       significance of specular and diffuse reflections

·       laser and laser system classifications

·       wavelength time corrections and AEL values

·       MPE's with computational examples or Nominal Hazard Zones (NHZ)

·       laser accident review and case studies

·       training requirements for laser operators

·       laser eyewear selection

·       Laser Safety Program management in industry, research, and education

As the LSO, they are responsible for the following:

·       develop, implement, and update the laser safety program

·       conduct laser hazard analyses of Class 3B and 4 laser systems and laser-controlled areas

o   monitor and enforce hazard control requirements for laser systems

o   review and approve any changes made to laser controls that could affect safety (e.g., enclosures, enclosure material, interlock system, etc.)

o   periodically audit LCAs and laser systems

o   provide appropriate warning signs and labels as required

·       review classifications of laser and laser systems, provide classification to lasers, and laser systems as necessary

·       Provide guidance in personal protective equipment (LPE and skin protection)

·       Provide guidance in new laser laboratory design and laser lab upgrades

·       approve LOSPs or justify the need for revision and re-submittal     

·       perform an ES&H review on all lasers and equipment purchase requests; and, approve acceptable procurement requests

·       use account code 043-015: Laser Tools & Equip to purchase lasers and related equipment 

·       administer the overall laser safety program including

o   maintains site-wide inventory of lasers and confirm classifications

o   perform Nominal Hazard Zone (NHZ) evaluations

o   ensure proper control measures are in place or approve substitutes

o   approve and order LPE and other PPE; upon receipt, inspect, and if acceptable, distribute to the requisitioner

o   provide overview of laser safety training as needed

o   review and, if acceptable, approve subcontractor’s operator training and qualification requirements prior to commencement of work

·       coordinate with supervisors and technical representatives for subcontracted qualified laser workers to perform laser alignment operations

·       monitor LSS’ laser mentor programs to ensure employees complete the requirements

·       investigate laser incidents and near-misses

3.4            Supervisors, Technical Representatives (TR), and Sponsors

·       ensure qualified laser worker’s training, medical monitoring, and other approvals & requirements are current before authorizing work

·       coordinate with LSO for subcontractor qualified laser workers

·       ensure that warning labels are posted in accordance with requirements

·       obtain approval from your Division Safety Officer for anyone under the age of 18 to use Class 2 and Class 3R lasers.

o   Class 3B and 4 lasers are not to be used by individuals under the age of 18.

Technical Representatives also

·       inform subcontractors that Class 3R, 3B, and 4 laser equipment and associated attachments and equipment brought on site, are to be inspected by Jefferson Lab’s LSO prior to commencement of work

·       notify the LSO when subcontractors bring laser equipment on site

·       coordinate inspections of subcontractor laser equipment

·       inform subcontractor that operators’ training and qualifications must be reviewed by the LSO prior to commencement of work

3.5            Division Safety Officers (DSOs)

·       approve LOSPs or justify the need for revision or re-submittal

·       review the qualifications of anyone under the age of 18 and, if adequate, provide approval for work with Class 2 and Class 3R lasers

·       enforce proper procurement procedures for lasers in your division

3.6            Department or Group Managers approve LOSPs and/or justify the need for an LOSPs revision and re-submittal

4.0           Technical Appendices

T1:      Laser Requisitioning and Purchasing Requirements

Requisitioning and purchasing protocols have been established to ensure that only approved lasers and associated equipment are used on, for, and around laser systems. Described in T1 are steps to request purchase of these items so appropriate approvals are obtained prior to payment is made; and, before assembly, inspection and/or use of these items once received by Jefferson Lab.

T2:      Laser Hazard Evaluation and Controls

Lasers have the potential to cause injury and/or facility damage if hazards are not evaluated and controlled. This appendix has been developed to delineate the hazard evaluation process and set expectations for control measures.

T3:      Laser Operational Safety Procedures

Classes 3B and 4 laser light pose an unmitigated risk code > 2; in accordance with Chapter 3210, Work Planning, Control, and Authorization Process, a formal work control document is required for each piece of equipment or system, and the area where it is located.  Appendix T3 has been developed to ensure hazard issues are identified through a laser task hazard analysis, are adequately addressed, and appropriately mitigated before activities involving lasers are approved and/or commence.

T4:      Laser Alignment Guidance

Laser alignment is considered inherently risky and has been identified as having unmitigated risk code > 2. A separate laser operational safety procedure is written when laser alignment is required. Individuals involved with laser alignment shall read, understand, sign, and abide by the LOSP prior to and during work. T4 provides the minimum required activities to be performed during laser alignment. 

T5:      Laser Safety Control Inspections

Inspections of Class 3B and Class 4 laser safety controls are conducted prior to initial start-up and every six months thereafter, for the duration of operations. Appendix T5 provides the inspection process.

T6:      Laser Labeling & Posting Requirements

Lasers and their associated apparatus pose hazards; as such, it is required that they and the area designated for their use, have appropriate labels and signs providing warning of the potential hazards. The labeling and posting requirements for equipment and areas; and, how to update, repair, or maintain these labels is found in this appendix.

T7:      Student Mentor Responsibilities and Laser Safety

At Jefferson Lab, employees who are classified as students, and that will be working with laser Classes 3B or 4, are required to be in a structured mentor program.  The LSS, who is responsible for the equipment and/or area, mentors students to ensure they develop safe and reliable work skills. T7 provides the minimum program requirements.

T8:      Disposal of Lasers

Proper waste disposal of contaminated laser-related material, such as flue and smoke filters, organic dyes, and solvent solutions, shall be handled in conformance with appropriate federal, state, and local guidelines. Appendix T8 provides guidance regarding proper disposal of lasers.

5.0           References

·       American National Standard for Safe Use of Lasers

ANSI Z136.1-2014

Published by: Laser Institute of America

·       Safety with Lasers and Other Optical Sources: A Comprehensive Handbook

David Sydney and Myron Wolbarsht

1980 Plenum Press New York

·       Laser Laboratory Design Guide LBNL Laser Safety Program V1-2012

Author: Ken Barat

6.0           Revision History





periodic review

- revisions made per IA-2023-01-01-01

- updated and moved table in 2.0 to 3.1

- clarified responsibilities of QLW, LSO and LSS

- updated or added near miss language; updated technical appendices, references, and rev history format from list to tabular format

- updated 5.0 wording and cross-references within

- changed TPOC from PCollins to JWilliams

- general formatting updates to include headers & footers (+color), cross-links, bulleting, etc. by JAllen, ES&H Manual Editor



added near miss language and reporting accidental exposure expectations for the user and supervisor per CATS # NE-2019-08-04-01



updated TPOC from BManzlak to PCollins per BRainey



updated Class 3R and 3B requirements



updated reference for American National Standard for Safe Use of Lasers per CATS# INSP-2017-003-01-04



periodic review; no changes per TPOC



added required safety training table in section 2.0



updated to reflect current laboratory operations











ES&H Division

Jennifer Williams



3 years



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