2025 General Access RWP
The new 2025 General Access RWP is now ready for viewing/signing. Your site access will be revoked if you have not signed the permit by January 10, 2025. This document can be read/electronically signed OFFSITE. Follow the link below:
2025 General Access RWP - https://misportal.jlab.org/railsForms/rad_work_permits/188619/briefing
The Radiation Control Department has instituted a new booking system for use with Radiation Worker Level I and II tests & practicals. Please select your JLAB TYPE to see detailed information on scheduling your test.
We are dedicated to developing and administering effective policies and procedures that maintain doses as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA) and prevent over-exposures, while supporting TJNAF's mission of conducting basic research of the atom's nucleus using the unique CEBAF Particle Accelerator.
Assist staff, contractors, and visitors with personnel and tour-related dosimetry
Provide radiation safety knowledge, skills and abilities routinely and upon request. Examples include: response to requests for radiological surveys and release of materials; radioactive sources; shipment of radioactive material; and, assisting with radiological work permit-related jobs
Manage radiation detection material and equipment use, calibrations, and repairs
Provide shielding requirements and radiation budgets for TJNAF
Guidance for Radiation Worker Training exams, practicals, and performance measures
RW-I, RW-II, ARM, and RCT qualifications
User-specific training and dosimetry guidance
Links to relevant, important radiation-related documents
Requirements for on-site use of radiation-generating devices (RGDs) by sub-contractors