Radiation Physics


Kostin, Mikhail MS 52B 757-269-7551 kostin@jlab.org Radiation Physics Manager
Degtiarenko, Pavel MS 52B 757-269-6274 pavel@jlab.org Radiation Physicist
Popov, Vladimir MS 52B 757-269-6360 popov@jlab.org Radiation Physicist
Zana, Lorenzo MS 52B 757-269-6435 zana@jlab.org Radiation Physicist


Radiation Physics

The Radiation Physics group supports JLab’s experimental program and accelerator operations by performing radiation safety evaluations for existing and planned facilities, including radiation budgets for experiments, radiation shielding, activation and radiation damage. The group is responsible for:

  • boundary dose monitoring
  • developing radiation detection solutions for radiation fields
  • participating in the FLUKA Monte Carlo code collaboration and contributes to its improvements by performing benchmark measurements of source terms and material activation
  • performing Radiation Budget Calculations and shielding design


To request a review of shielding requirements for projects or modifications, click here 

To request radiation budget calculations, click here

To access the experiment readiness review process, click here

To request assistance from the Radiation Physics Group, contact Mikhail Kostin at 757-269-7551 or Pavel Degtiarenko at 757-269-6274.