Innovators Honored by Museum (Virginian-Pilot)
Innovators Honored by Museum
The Science Museum of Virginia named four Hampton Roads innovators as its 1998 Outstanding Scientists and Industrialists.
Hermann A. Grunder, who heads the Department of Energy's Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility in Newport News, was honored as Virginia's Outstanding Scientist for developing the center into the world's leader in superconducting technology.
Richard Tien-Ren Cheng, founder of Eastern Computers Inc. in Virginia Beach, was named Outstanding Industrialist for transforming the tiny company into a business with operations in 26 states, Washington, D.C., Germany and China.
The Life Achievement in Science award went to Dr. Howard W. Jones and Dr. Georgeanna Seegar Jones for their pioneering work in in-vitro fertilization at Eastern Virginia Medical School.
Also, the museum established the Beverly Orndorff Award for Exceptional Service to Public Understanding of Science. Orndorff, a former science writer for the Richmond Times-Dispatch, received the first of the awards.