Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
August 5, 2015
12 GeV UpgradeThe sixth and final Torus coil was welded into its cryostat, moved to Hall B, and mounted on the cold hub as of June 26. All 12 of the “hex beams” that position the coils and provide shielded space to run cryogenic, power and instrumentation services between coils, as well as out to the cryogenic service tower and power supply, have been installed. Splices of the conductor running between each coil have been completed, and the required instrumentation and insulation has been added. The vendor building the cryogenics distribution cans for both the Torus and Solenoid magnets has completed the first major assembly point and projects delivery in October 2015. The fabrication of the cryogenics control can has commenced in parallel at Jefferson Lab. The magnet power supplies have been located on the space frame platform upstream of the experiment and are having power and water services connected. Fabrication of the instrumentation chassis and racks together with the cable harnesses and needed firmware is also progressing. The vendor for the Solenoid magnet, ETI, completed the winding, potting and machining of the second “Inner” coil, which is the second of five major coils needed for that magnet. The winding bobbin for the next two “Intermediate” coils has been delivered to ETI; this includes the helium cooling channel for the magnet as well as the spaces where the two Inner coils will be mounted after the Intermediate coils are wound and potted. The bobbin for the fifth, or “Shield,” coil is ordered for delivery by early fall. Center for Theoretical and Computational PhysicsA new Theory Center paper presents the first ab initio calculation of a radiative transition of an hadronic resonance within quantum chromodynamics. The amplitude for ππ → πγ⋆ is calculated, as a function of the energy of the ππ pair and the virtuality of the photon, in the kinematic regime where ππ couples strongly to the unstable ρ resonance. The analysis can describe the energy dependence of the transition amplitude, which can be analytically continued to the ρ pole, and the ρ → πγ⋆ form-factor can be identified from its residue. EngineeringThe Electrical Engineering Support group held a luncheon last week celebrating the life of Wesley "Woody" Woodworth, who passed away earlier in July. Woody, who was retired, was a long time member of the RF group and a well loved friend and co-worker for all of EES. During the past few weeks of the Scheduled Accelerator Down, the Installation group has made significant progress on the Hall C dump upgrade with the following work: - All of the dump tear out was completed. The Installation group also installed the Moller quads and additional stands in support of the Hall C beamline upgrade. In Hall B, the group fabricated and installed Low Conductivity Water system manifolds and hosing for the Torus and Solenoid power supplies. The Vacuum group completed the linac viewer bellows replacements and is working on the last few ion pumps doing troubleshooting/repair/replacements. The group continues to work with ICN on the last of the harp and viewer installs. Jefferson Lab Calendar of Events Aug. 17: Safety Shoe Vendor on-site |
Environment, Safety, Health & QualitySimple Chemical Safety Practices Sometimes in dealing with hazardous chemicals that require special controls and precautions, trying to remember all of the requirements can sometimes seem overwhelming. However, three simple steps can help reduce the uncertainty and make your job safer. (1) Read the Safety Data Sheet, the label, the appropriate procedures and protocols you you need to follow when using the chemical and note what personal protective equipment is required. Know how to detect exposure to the chemical and what to do if you get it on your skin or inhale it. (2) Pay attention any time you handle chemicals. Remember to stay in the moment and focus on the job at hand and what it entails, observing all safety procedures for each step of your task. (3) Follow the plan or written procedures for handling the material. Don't deviate from a procedure spontaneously. If you think something can be done better or safer, stop the work and contact your supervisor, or the one who wrote the procedure, and discuss potentially altering the procedure with them; do not alter the procedure until it is officially changed. Take a few extra seconds to ensure your safety, as you may not get a second chance to avoid an injury. Computing and Networking Infrastructure Cryptocard MP-1 Token Change AnnouncementsVolunteers Needed for Science Camp Tornado Warning Siren Test Set for Friday, August 7 Virginia’s Sales Tax Holiday Feds Feed Families Local Campaign |
JLab Weekly Briefs is an ongoing publication providing information on the status of safety, accelerator operations, experiments, free-electron laser, reviews, upcoming activities and special events. Deadline for submission is every Tuesday by 10 a.m. Submit new items to: Public Affairs or contact Kandice Carter at x7263. |