12 GeV Upgrade
The tunnel air conditioning contract was awarded to Warwick Plumbing & Heating on Nov. 12. This is the same contractor performing the work for the North and South Access Buildings’ backup cooling towers. Warwick is completing Jefferson Lab training and administrative submittals to be ready to start on-site work in the accelerator tunnel on Dec. 22. Warwick will be working through the holiday shutdown to maximize the work done in the tunnel during this scheduled accelerator down (SAD) until Jan. 28, 2015. The remaining tunnel work will be completed during the Summer 2015 SAD.
Jefferson Lab Published Journal Articles Dec. 8-12
Remember to submit your papers for approval to the Jefferson Lab Publications database.
Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics
Quantum Monte Carlo methods have proved very valuable in the study of the structure and reactions of light nuclei and nucleonic matter starting from realistic nuclear interactions and currents. A new paper presents a variety of results for a number of observables, including the low-lying spectra of light nuclei, form factors, transition matrix elements, electroweak response functions relevant in electron and neutrino scattering, and the properties of dense nucleonic matter in neutron stars. A coherent picture of nuclear structure and dynamics emerges.
Jefferson Lab Calendar of Events
Dec. 22: Safety Shoe Vendor on-site
Dec. 24-Jan. 2: Holidays and Shutdown Days, Jefferson Lab closed
Jan. 22: Exclusive Meson Production and Short-Range Hadron Structure Workshop
Environment, Safety, Health and Quality
Beware of Holiday Carjacking Scams
The U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command is warning service members about a new carjacking scam targeting unsuspecting holiday shoppers. Criminals will place a $100 bill on an individual's windshield under the wiper blade; while the victim is distracted and gets out to retrieve the cash, the criminals approach the vehicle and rob the victim of their belongings and car. Should anyone discover money on their vehicle, they should quickly move to a safe, public location and notify law enforcement or security personnel immediately. Lock your doors, and do not get out of the vehicle to retrieve the bill. More information and parking lot safety tips can be found here.
Computing and Networking Infrastructure
SeeVogh To Be Discontinued on Jan. 1, 2015
SeeVogh videoconferencing services at Jefferson Lab will not be renewed in January 2015. BlueJeans is the lab's current video teleconferencing solution. Since the lab started using BlueJeans, the use of SeeVogh has steadily dropped, and there has been no SeeVogh usage since September 2014. For information on BlueJeans, visit https://cc.jlab.org/bluejeans. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the discontinuation of SeeVogh at Jefferson Lab, contact the IT Division Helpdesk at x7155.
Zimbra Email and Calendar Upgrade Set for Jan. 2
The Zimbra email and calendar system will be upgraded on Jan. 2, 2015. During the upgrade, there will be intermittent outages as systems are upgraded and rebooted. Current plans are to start the upgrade at around 8 a.m. All email should be back up and stable by 8 p.m. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this upgrade, contact the IT Division Helpdesk at helpdesk@jlab.org or x7155.
Personal Dosimeter Changeout Set for Monday, Dec. 22
Jefferson Lab's semi-annual personal dosimeter changeout will begin at 10 a.m. on Monday, Dec. 22. This includes the dosimeters of all lab staff, users, subcontractors and students. If you will be away from the lab on vacation or travel, be sure to put your dosimeter in its place in the rack before you depart the lab. If you won't be using your dosimeter during the changeout period, place it in its assigned place in the dosimetry racks for the changeout. As always, make sure your dosimeter is in its assigned rack at the end of your work day. If you need to use your dosimeter during the changeout period on Dec. 22 or if you have questions about the changeout, contact Becky Mosbrucker, x7236.
Annual Holiday Bake Sale Set for Monday, Dec. 22
Quark Cafe staff invites the Jefferson Lab community to its annual Holiday Bake Sale on Monday, Dec. 22, 9:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m. The bake sale will be in the CEBAF Center lobby and will include a variety of breads, holiday cakes and pies from Lucille's Bakery in Richmond. A price list can be found on the lab's We Hear That page.
2015 Jefferson Lab Holiday Calendar Posted
The holiday calendar for 2015 has now been posted to the Jefferson Lab Human Resources webpages.
Get Involved in Community STEM Events
Jefferson Lab has received several new requests to participate in evening science, technology, engineering and mathematics events at schools located throughout the local area, from Virginia Beach to Gloucester to New Kent. The events vary from talking to small groups of students about Jefferson Lab, to conducting a simple activity for small groups at a table or booth, to judging science fairs. Science Education is looking for people to help out at evening events near their homes. If you would like to volunteer to help out at one or two of these events this winter, email Telesha Brown.
TIAA-CREF Individual Counseling Available by Appointment
TIAA-CREF will be offering additional Individual Counseling Sessions in the coming months. The consultant will be available to discuss how to help you achieve your financial goals by investing in financial solutions such as mutual funds, brokerage, life insurance and annuities. Sessions will be offered on Jan. 15, Feb. 19, March 11, March 12, April 16 and May 14 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. in Support Service Center room 41a. To schedule an appointment with a TIAA-CREF Individual Consultant to discuss your plan and options for managing your retirement savings, call TIAA-CREF at (800) 732-8353, Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (ET).
2015 General Access RWP Ready for Review
The 2015 General Access Radiological Work Permit is now available for signature. If you are a radiation worker at Jefferson Lab, you must read and electronically sign the new RWP before Dec. 31 to retain your accelerator site access. This year’s RWP contains new restrictions/policies. Be sure to read this document in its entirety. You may access this document from off-site. The document can be found here. If you have trouble with the links or with signing the document, contact Becky Mosbrucker at becky@jlab.org or x7236. If you have any other questions regarding this permit, contact the Radiation Control Department at 876-1743.