12 GeV Upgrade
Contracts have been awarded for the dipole magnet and the second and third quadrupole magnets for the Super High Momentum Spectrometer for Hall C. All three magnets are of the "warm iron" type; separate contracts for the associated steel yokes will be placed in fiscal year 2012. The second coil for the horizontal bend dipole magnet at the front of the SHMS has been wound at Michigan State University. The first thousand meters of the copper stabilizer that is soldered to the superconducting cable has been extruded, with the balance to follow soon, and the contract for the soldering step is now awarded. Assembly of the first two of five cryogenic control reservoirs for the SHMS magnets is nearing completion at the vendor.
2011 SURA Distinguished Scientist Award Nominations Due
The deadline for nominations for the 2011 SURA Distinguished Scientist Award are due Dec. 31. See the SURA website for details. If you have questions about the nomination process, contact Greg Kubiak.
Nominations Due for Outstanding Nuclear Physicist Award
The JSA Outstanding Nuclear Physicist Award will recognize individuals whose work and careers in JLab nuclear physics in experimental or theoretical research, or technical achievements related to this research, have been noted by their peers in the field nationally and internationally. Nominations for individuals who have made outstanding or sustained contributions to JLab research are due Friday, Jan. 14; see the website for nomination details. The award is funded through the JSA Initiatives Fund.
JSA/JLab Graduate Fellowship Program
Jefferson Science Associates, LLC, is now accepting applications for the JSA/JLab Graduate Fellowship Program. More information and an application can be found on the website. The application deadline is Jan. 28. If you have questions about the program, contact contact Elizabeth Lawson.
JSA/JLab Sabbatical Support Program
JSA is now accepting applications for the 2010-2011 academic year JSA/JLab Sabbatical Support Program. More information and an application can be found on the website. The application deadline is Jan. 28. If you have questions about the program, contact contact Elizabeth Lawson.
APS April Meeting Abstracts Due
Celebrate 100 Years of Sub-Atomic Physics at the APS April Meeting, April 30-May 3. Abstracts are due Jan. 14.
AIP Seeking Applicants for Congressional Fellowship Program
Members of the physics community who want to spend a year learning about the inner workings of Congress should consider applying to the American Institute of Physics Congressional Science Fellowship Program. The application deadline is Jan. 15. Application instructions can be found online.
The accelerator has been running well with low trip rates. Both Hall A and Hall B are happy with their beam. On Thursday, there was a beam strike event upstream of the target chamber in Hall C. The event caused the vacuum in Hall C to deteriorate and caused some downtime in the hall. The damaged portion of the beamline was replaced. Hall C started to take beam on Dec. 19.
Free-Electron Laser
The machine lased well in the ultraviolet this week, allowing the FEL team to continue characterizing the vacuum ultraviolet third harmonic output.
Theoretical and Computational Physics
New evidence from lattice QCD is presented <arXiv:1012.3812> for the existence of a bound H-dibaryon, an isospin 0, total spin 0, strangeness -2 state with valence quark structure uuddss, at a pion mass of mπ ~ 389 MeV. Using the results of the lattice QCD calculations, one finds an H-dibaryon bound by B = 16.6 ± 2.1 ± 4.6 MeV at this pion mass.
Engineering Division Professional Development Program
The JLab Engineering Division's Professional Development Program is a series of free seminars to be presented by JLab staff and invited guest speakers representing cutting-edge fields in engineering.
The first set of eight seminars will be devoted to Cryogenics and presented by the lab's award-winning staff, Jan. 25-April 26. Two overview sessions are open to all lab staff, representatives from local industry and graduate engineering students who have a professional interest in the topic; overview sessions will be held at Jefferson Lab in the CEBAF Center auditorium. Six technical presentations are for engineers, senior/mid-level technicians and graduate engineering students; technical sessions will be held in CEBAF Center, Room F113. Eight Continuing Education Units will be granted by the Virginia State Licensing Board to professional engineers who complete the cryogenics series. Space is limited and advanced reservations are required for all sessions. |
Facilities Management and Logistics
Holiday Shutdown Power Outage Reminder
A power outage is planned for the area outside the Accelerator Site fence, from 5 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 23, through 6 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 2. CEBAF Center, the EEL, Test Lab, and Buildings 52 and 59 will be closed for the outage. The ARC and VARC will not be affected. There will be no power and no access to these buildings during this period. See the full announcement for more details about the outage and other activities. If you have any immediate questions, contact Rusty Sprouse in FM&L, x7589.
Reminder: Personal Space Heaters Not Allowed in JLab Work Areas
Personal comfort and convenience appliances, including portable heaters, refrigerators, fans, coffee makers, microwave ovens, etc. are prohibited from use by individuals. Collectively, these devices contribute to significant energy consumption, fire safety concern, and potential adverse impact on the effectiveness of the automatic building temperature control systems. Electric portable heaters are prohibited except when the installed building heating system cannot maintain the occupied heating temperature range. In this case, FM&L will supply temporary, supplemental space heaters that are properly sized, UL-rated, equipped with safety shut off, and not to exceed 1,500 watts for electrical protection.
Computing and Networking Infrastructure
Holidays Trigger Phishing, Spams and Scams
Be wary of holiday e-mail scams, spams and cyber attacks. The holiday season triggers a deluge of e-mail phishing attempts, electronic greeting card scams and unsolicited spam. Fraudsters see the season of good will as a means to get into your wallet, compromise files on your computer and gain access to the your computer's network. So throughout the holiday season, be sure to follow the same guidance that keeps your computer safe the rest of the year. Be suspicious of unexpected e-mails. Remember that JLab IT personnel will never request your login information or password in an e-mail. If you receive an e-mail that you believe is actually from your bank, a respected e-card site or another known entity, never click the link in the e-mail; instead, type the correct link directly into your browser or use a bookmark to visit the site. As always, if you receive a suspicious e-mail, delete it immediately. If you respond to or click a link in an e-mail on your JLab computer that you think may have been suspicious, immediately change your password and then submit a CCPR to the IT Division HelpDesk or send an e-mail to inform IT that your account may have been compromised. For more information, see the OnTarget newsletter article.
Computer User Audit Coming
The JLab Computer User Audit will begin on Jan. 11. During the upcoming audit, all sponsors of users with JLab accounts will be asked to verify the user is continuing to do JLab-related work. If you have any questions, contact the IT Division Helpdesk, x7155.
Personal Dosimeter Change Out Is Today
JLab's semi-annual personal dosimeter change out will take place during the afternoon of Wednesday, Dec. 22. This includes the dosimeters of all JLab staff, users and subcontractors. If you will need to use your dosimeter during the change out period on Dec. 22, you may exchange it that morning in the Radiation Control Dosimetry Office in Bldg. 52B, Room 4, 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. If you have questions, contact Becky Mosbrucker, x7236.
Announcing the Winners of the Holiday Door & Cubicle Decorating Contest!
The winners have been chosen for the Door and Cubicle Decorating Contest. Check out pictures of all the entries online. The three winners are:
Kim Kindrew - Best Decorated
Troy Mattox - Most Original
Crystal Baker - Silliest
Assist IT Division By Completing Survey and Get Chance to Win Raffle
The Information Technology Division is asking all JLab staff and users to participate in a survey regarding IT services. Completed surveys will provide valuable feedback and allow IT to better serve the JLab community. Survey respondents may enter their e-mail address for a chance to win one of several $25 prizes. All survey entries will remain anonymous, whether or not an e-mail address is entered for the raffle. The survey may be accessed through a link on the JLab IT Division website or directly via this link. Please note that the direct link will take you to Zoomerang, an online survey service provider.
2011 General Access RWP Available for Signature
The 2011 General Access Radiological Work Permit is now available for signature. The current General Access RWP will expire on Dec. 31, while the new 2011 General Access RWP is effective from Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 2011. If you are a radiation worker, to retain your accelerator site access, you must sign the new RWP before Dec. 31. To access the RWP, visit the web-based training page and open document SAF801kd (under the subheading "Documents").
JLab Calendar of Events
Dec. 22: Personal Dosimeter Change Out
Dec. 24-Jan. 2: Winter holidays/Shutdown days - JLab closed
Jan. 5: Safety Shoe vendor onsite
Jan. 10-14: PAC 37
Jan. 17: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day holiday - JLab closed
Jan. 24: Safety Shoe vendor onsite
Jan. 27: Protect Your Identify: The Newest Identity Theft Scams |