12 GeV Upgrade
After several months of computer modeling and analysis, the Hall C superconducting magnet team was given a green light to test the Horizontal Bend (HB) magnet on the Super High Momentum Spectrometer to its full operating current. An engineer from Michigan State University, where the HB magnet was built, is present each time the current is increased to a new maximum value. The testing program calls for increasing the current in steps and exercising the magnet systems while recording performance data. The data are reviewed for any indication of a malfunction before testing proceeds to the next current setting. As of mid-December, this magnet has been tested to 3500 Amps, or almost 90 percent of its anticipated operating point for the 11 GeV research program.
The three SHMS magnets being built in France are once again making steady progress. The dipole magnet has been shipped back to the magnet vendor's factory where the outer vacuum can, thermal screens and insulation are being assembled around the coil. All of the sub-assemblies for the quadrupole (Q2) magnet are expected to be ready for shipment from the metal shop to the magnet factory in early January. The third quadrupole (Q3) magnet helium vessel final weld is more than 80 percent complete. This vessel and the remaining Q3 components are on schedule for transport to the magnet vendor late in January.
Jefferson Lab New Tech Note, Dec. 7-11
- C. Tennant, J. Grames, D. Moser, R. Suleiman, M. Tiefenback, D. Turner. "Summary of the Transverse Beam Characterization Measurements in the CEBAF 5 MeV Region: 2014-2015." JLAB-TN-15-052.
Remember to submit your papers for approval to the Jefferson Lab Publications database.
Publications Refresher Course Offered Jan. 12, 2016
The next Publications Training and Refresher course will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 12, at 9 a.m. in CEBAF Center room F224-225. In this session, authors will learn how to submit manuscripts to the Publications Review and Approval System, how to make recommended revisions to papers during the signature process, and how to add the relevant information once the paper is published. If you would like to attend, R.S.V.P. to Kim Edwards by Friday, Jan. 8.
JSA Thesis Prize Call for Nominations
Theses completed during calendar year 2015 are eligible for the 2015 JSA Thesis Prize, as well as theses completed during the last quarter of 2014 (if they haven't been submitted before). The thesis prize submissions will be judged initially by members of UGBoD, followed by a panel of independent experts to select the final winner. Criteria for evaluation include quality of the written thesis, contribution of the student to the work, and contribution to JLab physics/community. This project is supported by the JSA Initiatives Fund Program, a commitment from the JSA owners, SURA and PAE Applied Technologies. Initiatives Funds support programs, initiatives, and activities that further the scientific outreach, promote the science, education and technology of the Jefferson Lab and benefit the Lab's extended user community in ways that complement the Lab's basic and applied research missions. The nomination deadline is Feb. 15. For nomination package details and submission instructions, see the webpage linked above.
JSA Postdoctoral Research Prize Call for Nominations
Nominations for the JSA Postdoctoral Research Prize are now being accepted. Nominated scientists will be judged on his/her record of accomplishment in physics, a planned high-impact Jefferson Lab physics program, proposed use of the research grant, and promise of further accomplishments in the Jefferson Lab research fields in the future. The Prize will be in the form of a research grant. The funds can be used for travel, supplies, or equipment in support of the proposed research plan. This project is supported by the JSA Initiatives Fund Program. The deadline for nomination packages is Jan. 22. For nomination package details and submission instructions, see the webpage.
AIP Congressional Science Fellowship Program Now Accepting Applications
The American Institute of Physics, in partnership with the Acoustical Society of America, annually sponsors one scientist to spend a year providing analytical expertise and scientific advice to Congress. The program enables scientists to broaden their experience through direct involvement with the legislative and policy processes. Fellowships are for one year, usually September through August. Following orientation, Fellows interview with congressional and committee offices to find a placement where they wish to serve. Fellows are expected to be capable of handling varied assignments, both technical and non-technical. During their term, Fellows are expected to work full-time at their Fellowship assignment. Applications are due Jan. 15. More information and application materials can be found on the AIP website.
2016 L’Oréal USA For Women in Science Fellowship Program Now Accepting Applications
The 2016 L’Oréal USA For Women in Science fellowship program is now accepting applications. In the U.S., the For Women In Science fellowship program awards five postdoctoral women scientists annually with grants of $60,000 each. Applicants are selected from a variety of fields, including the life and physical/material sciences, technology (including computer science), engineering and mathematics. The application and more information about the L’Oréal USA For Women in Science program can be found at www.lorealusa.com/forwomeninscience. Applications are due on Friday, Feb. 5, 2016.
Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics
A new paper examines the efficacy of pion exchange models to simultaneously describe leading neutron electroproduction at HERA and the anti-up/anti-down quark asymmetry in the proton. The analysis disfavors several models of the pion flux used in the literature and yields an improved extraction of the pion structure function and its uncertainties at small parton momentum fractions. The analysis provides estimates for leading proton structure functions in upcoming tagged deep-inelastic scattering experiments at Jefferson Lab on the deuteron with forward protons. |
Environment, Health, Safety and Quality
Careful Cooking Over the Holidays
According to the National Fire Protection Association, cooking fires are the number one cause of home fires and home injuries. This year, take extra steps to make sure your holidays remain fire-free with these safety tips:
- Keep a fire extinguisher approved for cooking or grease fires nearby;
- Check to make sure your smoke detectors are working;
- Tell guests where your family has agreed to meet if everyone has to evacuate due to a fire;
- When guests require your attention outside the kitchen, turn off the stove top; and
- Have a "kid-free zone" of at least three feet around the stove and other areas where hot food or drinks are prepared or carried.
Jefferson Lab Closed Dec. 24-Jan. 3
Jefferson Lab will be closed for the winter holidays from 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 23, 2015, through Sunday, Jan. 3, 2016. The lab will re-open for regular operating hours on Monday, Jan. 4.
Radiation Worker I Class Set for Jan. 19
A full-day Radiation Worker I class (SAF801C) is being offered on Tuesday, Jan. 19, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Class location will be announced. To sign up, contact Maya Keller at mkeller@jlab.org or by calling 757-269-6021.
2015 Holiday Office Door/Cubicle Decorating Contest Winners Announced
The Jefferson Lab Activities Group has announced the winners of the Holiday Office Door/Cubicle Decorating Contest.
- Best Decorated: CEBAF Center Front Desk, Jodi Patient (Star Wars Christmas)
- Most Original: SSC room 10, Pam Turk (Quark on the Shelf )
- Silliest: CEBAF Center room F118, Shannon West (Christmas Door with Elves)
Pictures of all of this year’s entries are available for viewing on the JAG website.
TIAA-CREF Individual Counseling Available by Appointment
TIAA-CREF will be offering Individual Counseling Sessions in the coming months. The consultant will be available to discuss how to help you achieve your financial goals by investing in financial solutions such as mutual funds, brokerage, life insurance and annuities. Sessions will be offered Jan. 21, Feb. 18, March 17, April 21 and May 19 in Support Service Center room 22i. To schedule an appointment with a TIAA-CREF Individual Consultant to discuss your plan and options for managing your retirement savings, call TIAA-CREF at (800) 732-8353, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.-8 p.m.
Mobile Mammography Unit to Visit Jefferson Lab
The Sentara Mobile Mammography Unit will be here at Jefferson Lab on Jan. 8, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. The American Cancer Society recommends that women with an average risk of breast cancer should undergo regular screening mammography starting at age 45. It only takes 15 minutes! This service is open to all employees as well as their family members or friends, as personal health insurances will be billed. To make an appointment, visit the Sentara website or call 1-800-SENTARA (1-800-736-8272).
Rad Workers: Sign 2016 General Access RWP as Soon as Possible
The 2016 General Access Radiological Work Permit is now available for signature. If you are a radiation worker at Jefferson Lab, you must read and electronically sign the new RWP before Dec. 31 to retain your accelerator site access. This year’s RWP contains new restrictions/policies. Be sure to read this document in its entirety. You may access this document from off-site. The document can be found here. If you have trouble with the links or with signing the document, contact Becky Mosbrucker at becky@jlab.org or x7236. If you have any other questions regarding this permit, contact the Radiation Control Department at 876-1743.
Jefferson Lab Calendar of Events
Dec. 24-Jan. 1: Holidays and Shutdown Days, Jefferson Lab closed
Jan. 12-13: SoLID Collaboration Meeting
Jan. 18: Martin Luther King Day, Jefferson Lab closed
Jan. 19-20: Hall A Winter Collaboration Meeting
Jan. 21-22: Hall C Collaboration Meeting