Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs February 13, 2008

Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs

February 13, 2008

12 GeV Upgrade

The draft specifications have been developed for the Hall B CLAS12 (CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer ) Torus Magnet, one of the seven planned superconducting magnets associated with the 12 GeV Upgrade. A design and safety review of the Super High Momentum Spectrometer (SHMS) Hall C detectors was held at JLab on Jan. 22 with an emphasis on integration plans. Presentations were made by several Hall C Users, some of whom will construct detector elements through approved National Science Foundation Major Research Instrumentation grant funding. A successful technical design review of the continuing work on the Hall D Forward Drift Chambers was held at JLab on Feb. 1. Final reports from these review committees are expected this week.


Data taking in Hall C for E04-019, a measurement of two-photon exchange contributions in e-p elastic scattering using recoil polarization, was completed in late January. The BigBite magnet was then installed in front of the BigCal electron detector, effectively converting BigCal into a photon detector. Data taking was started for  E07-002, a short run to measure polarization transfer in wide angle compton scattering. While this measurement got off to a good start, a leak in the Hall C beamline exit window stopped data taking before sufficient statistics were accumulated. With the support of the Radiation Control Group, the exit window was repaired. E07-002 was then able to run parasitically during a planned Hall B extension and obtained excellent statistics.


Halls B and C enjoyed 185 hours of beam delivery during this one-week reporting period. Hall B was the initial customer of the accelerator at the start of this week. After a vacuum problem was solved in Hall C, the hall  started taking beam again on Feb. 6. The only equipment event was a North Linac Master Oscillator fault until the End Station Refrigerator (ESR) tripped on Feb. 10, which resulted in an 11-hour delay of beam delivery to the experimental halls. Once the ESR was back up, the accelerator performed well until it was shut down for the start of the Scheduled Accelerator Down (SAD) that started on Feb. 11. 

Free-Electron Laser (FEL)

FEL staff continues the high-voltage processing of the Gun Test Stand gun and the FEL gun. Limits were encountered on both due to field emission from a bellows in the transmission line from the HV to the gun, so both pieces of hardware are being modified. In addition, the FEL optics group has completed the alignment and pumpdown of the entire Optical Transport System into all the user labs.

Theory Center

Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS) with nucleon and nuclear targets is a key process to access Generalized Parton Distributions (GPDs), which provide three-dimensional images of quarks and gluons inside hadrons. In a recent paper, arXiv:0802.0669 [hep-ph], the generalized vector meson dominance (GVMD) model was used to describe DVCS from nucleons, and a good description of available DVCS cross section data was found over a wide range of kinematicals. DVCS from nuclear targets was also evaluated, and large nuclear shadowing effects were predicted.



JLab's Safety Numbers

147 Days since Last Recordable Accident (JLab record: 319)
466 Days since Last Lost Workday Accident (JLab record: 466)


Continuously Improving Safety at JLab
To continually improve safety and to prepare for the Integrated Safety Management Review coming up in May and June, JLab has a new Integrated Safety Management webpage. It provides a platform for sharing ISM-related documents, tools and processes being used across the Lab to accomplish the goals of ISM. A unique feature is the ISM Thought of the Day, which provides a new message daily. The Thought of the Day can be used to advance safety discussions in meetings or provide a safety message to reflect or act on daily.

JLab Calendar of Events

Feb. 14: Valentine's Day (Quark Cafe special luncheon menu)
Feb. 18: Presidents' Day Holiday (JLab closed)
March 1: Virginia Regional Middle School Science Bowl
March 6-8: Photon-Hadron Physics with the GlueX Detector
March 25: Science Series Lecture: The Civil War Unplugged


Environment, Safety, Health & Quality

Home falls are a major source of severe injuries and death for young children and senior citizens. For seniors, falls in or around the home are the most frequent accident. Some of the more dangerous home fall situations involve slippery floors, poor lighting, loose rugs, electrical cords in pathways and clutter. The following tips from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provide ways to minimize the risk of falls.

  • Remove things you can trip over (like papers, books, clothes, and shoes) from stairs and places where you walk.
  • Remove small throw rugs or use double-sided tape to keep the rugs from slipping.
  • Keep items you use often in cabinets you can reach easily without using a step stool.
  • Use non-slip mats in the bathtub and on shower floors.
  • Improve the lighting in your home.
  • Have handrails and lights put in on all staircases.
  • Wear shoes both inside and outside the house. Avoid going barefoot or wearing slippers.


ORNL Lesson Learned on Assessing Work Control
The Oak Ridge National Laboratory Environmental Protection and Waste Services Division developed a work control assessment process in response to a DOE reportable deficiency issue. The goal of the process was to "reinforce management expectations for work package performance." It has been effective in identifying potential work process weaknesses, encouraging continuous improvement and sharing of lessons learned. Quarterly work control assessments are scheduled and documented in a local tracking system. Results are monitored to identify the need for division-level process enhancements. The process involved checklist development for group leaders, where each group leader identifies at least one work activity per quarter for surveillance based on work complexity and potential for unknown or changing conditions. This surveillance may be performed in conjunction with a management observation. The group leader uses the checklist to document evaluation of the work control process for the activity chosen. The evaluation generally includes review of work control documents, observation of work in progress and discussion with work team members. The group leader uses this discussion as an opportunity to provide positive feedback and recognition for good judgment and decision-making, as appropriate. This ORNL process has many of the attributes of the JLab safety work observation system used by supervisors and managers. For more information on the JLab process, go to "Safety Work Observations" and "Frequently Asked Questions."

Computing and Networking Infrastructure

Network Outage
There will be a brief network outage from 7-7:15 a.m. on Friday, Feb 15.

Helpdesk Changes
Starting on Monday, Feb 25, the Helpdesk will be open from 8 a.m - noon, Monday-Friday. Phone calls to the Helpdesk, or Helpdesk personnel, after Helpdesk hours will be answered on a best effort only basis. This change is a result of the current budget and a retasking of personnel to higher-priority projects for the Lab.

New Windows Terminal Server Cluster Available
The CNI group is introducing a new Windows Terminal Server Cluster that replaces the current JLab Terminal Server Cluster. This new cluster can be accessed from Windows by using Remote Desktop to connect to JSATS. Under Linux, you will need to use rdesktop to connect to jsats. A suggested command line for Linux users is: "rdesktop -g 1024x768 -a 24 jsats".  Metaframe will not work with the new cluster.

CNI Maintenance
Windows and Linux patches were pushed out overnight (Feb. 12) to desktop systems that were online. Systems that were offline will have the patches installed over the next few days. Rebooting your system, if it wasn't done automatically, as soon as practical will allow new kernels and other patches to be fully installed.


Employees Invited to Tour Lab
Come explore the scientific areas of the Lab usually closed to visitors. JLab employees, 18 and older, may sign up for a Lab tour set for 9-11:30 a.m. on Thursday, Feb. 21. Stops include the accelerator tunnel, at least one of the three experimental halls, the Machine Control Center, the Free-Electron Laser and the Test Lab. The tour will start and end in front of CEBAF Center. Reservations are required, and the maximum group size is 20. The tour will include a lot of walking; everyone must wear low-heeled, closed-toe shoes and long pants. To reserve your spot, contact Stephanie Schatzel, x7409 or

2008 Benefits Open Enrollment is Underway
Jefferson Lab’s 2008 Benefits Open Enrollment will be offered Feb. 11- 25, via the Employee Self Service System. All regular and term employees are eligible for medical, dental, health and dependent care flexible spending accounts, short-term disability and supplemental life insurance. For complete information on benefits options, visit the Human Resources Benefits webpage.

Pollution Prevention Award Nominees Sought
The Hampton Roads Sanitation District recognizes regional businesses and industry for outstanding pollution prevention initiatives with the annual HRSD Excellence Awards. Eligible entries include those that prevent or reduce waste at the source, recycle waste materials, treat hazardous wastes to make them less toxic, or any innovative activity that reduces waste or pollution caused by waste streams. If you are aware of any special or new actions or projects that the Lab, you or your work group has done to make JLab a more environmentally friendly place, submit your ideas to Linda Even at x7308 or

JAG Dog Sports Training Club Informational Meeting
If you are interested in training your dog in basic obedience, agility skills or freestyle dog dancing, you're invited to Come, Sit, Stay at an informational meeting! Those interested in forming a JAG Dog Sports Training Club will hold an hour-long brownbag lunch in VARC room 72 on Thursday, Feb. 28 at noon. For more information, contact Joyce Miller at x7163 or or Brian Kross at x7022 or

George Walker Retirement Farewell Reception set for Feb. 20
George Walker, RadCon, will be retiring on Feb. 22 after 13 years of service to JLab. The ESH&Q Division will have a Farewell Reception for George on Wednesday, Feb. 20 at 2:00 p.m. The JLab community is invited to Trailer 52C to say goodbye and have a piece of cake. Call Justine Jackson, x6127, for additional information.


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