12 GeV Upgrade
The magnet power team has completed all installation and hardware checkout of the box supplies and trim supplies, including those for the synchrotron radiation correction coils on the dipole magnets in arcs 7 through 10. Work on the voltage-tracking regulators for the extraction YA magnets is nearing completion. The frequencies of the cavities for the nanoAmp beam position monitors on the Hall D beamline have been trimmed. The documentation for procurement of the mounting box and thermal blanket are complete. Cabling and digital controls for the fast feedback system on the Hall D beamline are underway.
Jefferson Lab Published Journal Articles, July 7-11
P. Ehlers et al. "Nuclear effects in the proton-deuteron Drell-Yan process." Phys. Rev. D 90, 014010 (2014).
I. Korover et al. (Jefferson Lab Hall A Collaboration) "Probing the Repulsive Core of the Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction via the 4He(e,e2pN) Triple-Coincidence Reaction." Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 022501 (2014).
M. Posik et al. (The Jefferson Lab Hall A Collaboration) "Precision Measurement of the Neutron Twist-3 Matrix Element dn2: Probing Color Forces." Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 022002 (2014).
J. Katich et al. "Measurement of the Target-Normal Single-Spin Asymmetry in Deep-Inelastic Scattering from the Reaction 3He{uparrow}(e,e')X." Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 022502 (2014).
B. Dey. "Scaling behavior in exclusive meson photoproduction from Jefferson Lab at large momentum transfers." Phys. Rev. D 90, 014013 (2014).
Remember to submit your papers for approval to the Jefferson Lab Publications database.
The Engineering Division's Installation and Vacuum groups have been busy. The Installation group has been working on or completed the following:
Reconfigured a low-conductivity water (LCW) valve to allow for improved filter canister;
For the Free-Electron Laser's F100 cryomodule, installed the forms, grout and upstream/downstream girders;
Reconfigured the LCW in the north dogleg magnets;
Performed LCW work for Hall C's Super High Momentum Spectrometer;
Installed grout pedestals in the AT line;
In Hall A's dump, worked on a weld repair and the helium tube; and
In the Hall D tagger area, added additional shielding and a shield door to the dump labyrinth.
The Vacuum group has been working on:
Troubleshooting, repairing and replacing many ion pumps around the accelerator;
Installed and leak checked the north dogleg beamline/pumpdown;
Provided support for the AT line radiofrequency separator leak repairs;
Completed the girder work for the Hall B Heavy Photon Search experiment;
Completed the 3C line purging and pumping; and
Cleaned and leak checked the south dogleg vacuum chambers.
Facilities Management and Logistics
Jefferson Lab Annual Property Inventory Is Underway
The annual property inventory continues through September 12. The property manager has randomly selected 20 percent of Jefferson Lab's property custodians for this year's property inventory. Those custodians will be contacted by a member of the property staff. In addition, any custodians that did not complete their annual property validation will also be included in the inventory group for this year.
To complete the inventory, each item must be physically seen by a member of the property office. Note that the property custodian is responsible for knowing the location of and searching for, if needed, their assigned property, not the property staff. Property staff will go to the location identified for each item during the property validation to inventory the property. The assigned custodian will be notified of any item not located at its specified location, and the item will be reported as "missing" until the item is physically located by the custodian and verified by property staff. If you have questions, contact Christian Whalen at x5899.
Jefferson Lab Calendar of Events
July 21: Safety Shoe Vendor
July 28-31: Program Advisory Committee Meeting (PAC42)
August 18-19: Q-weak Collaboration
August 26-28: Accelerator Readiness Review
Environment, Safety, Health and Quality
Hazardous Waste Disposal Event
Earlier this year at another DOE facility, a subcontractor used a chemical foam sealant to fill in floor penetrations. The subcontractor disposed of the spent foam containers in the site's satellite accumulation containers. The site waste specialist discovered these and determined that the chemicals were not part of the previously allowed waste chemicals, nor were the chemicals known to the site's Industrial Hygiene department. Further investigation also determined the product was not permitted for sealing floor penetrations. The subcontractor was informed and immediately stopped using the foam product.
Placing non-approved or non-listed chemicals in a waste container is prohibited at Jefferson Lab, as well. Improper disposal can potentially create a hazardous chemical reaction within the waste container. Additionally, improper waste disposal can lead to regulatory fines and negative ratings for Jefferson Lab. It is important for each person who disposes of hazardous chemicals to know where they can be disposed and not to add anything else to that container.
If you are unsure of where and what to dispose of, contact the Hazardous Waste Coordinator, Jennifer Williams at x7882, or Brett Lewis at x6254 for help. Don't just assume that all hazardous waste can go into any hazardous waste container.
Computing and Networking Infrastructure
Telephone Work Scheduled for Thursday, July 17
This Thursday, July 17, 5:30-10:00 p.m., upgrade and maintenance work will be performed on the lab's local calling phone trunks. Although no interruption in service is expected, there is always the possibility of a dropped call or a short outage during the maintenance window. This work will not affect calls onsite or long distance calls, but only calls placed to or from the local calling area.
To report emergencies during an outage:
- Use a cell phone to call 911.
- After you are advised to hang up by the 911 Dispatch Operator, immediately call the Jefferson Lab Security cell phone at 757-342-9868. Advise Security of the 911 call, the nature of the emergency and the location of the emergency.
If you have any questions or concerns about these maintenance activities, contact the IT Division Helpdesk, x7155.
TIAA-CREF Financial Education and Retirement Planning Resources
Jefferson Lab's investment service provider, TIAA-CREF, now offers multiple financial and retirement planning webinars covering a range of topics to assist you with planning and saving for retirement. Each webinar averages about 30-45 minutes in duration and is offered at no cost to the employee. In addition, TIAA-CREF continues to offer multiple resources for employee retirement planning to all regular and term employees. You can find detailed information about these services in the full all-staff memo.
Jefferson Lab Photo Requests
If you need photos for a specific Jefferson Lab work application or would like a photo of your conference or workshop group, you can request to sign out a point-and-shoot digital camera to take your application, group or event photos. After you take the photos, return the camera to Public Affairs staff, and the photos will be downloaded, processed and a link will be emailed to you for retrieving your photos.
Please notify Public Affairs staff as soon as possible, and at least five business days in advance, before you want to sign out a camera. Your request should be emailed to photos@jlab.org. Reservations are made on a first-come, first-served basis. The point-and-shoot digital camera can be signed out for up to one full day, and the person signing it out is responsible for it until it is returned to Public Affairs.
Learn About Measurement and Test Equipment at Jefferson Lab
Equipment used to record data during work activities, such as inspections, acceptance testing, data collection, process monitoring, etc., is considered Measurement and Test Equipment (M&TE). This type of equipment requires calibration at appropriate intervals to ensure accuracy. Jefferson Lab’s Quality Assurance/Continuous Improvement (QA/CI) department is authorized to pay for M&TE calibration services for the lab. Come learn how to take advantage of this benefit and other requirements unique to M&TE in a meeting held by the QA/CI department on Thursday, July 24 in CEBAF Center room F113 at 2:30 p.m. Anyone who is responsible for M&TE at Jefferson Lab can benefit from learning more about such topics as how to identify M&TE that requires calibration, appropriate calibration intervals, and the purchase and storage of M&TE. If you would like more information about this meeting, contact Mary Jo Bailey, x7277.
Department of Energy Sponsors Food Drive July 7-31
The Department of Energy is again participating in the “Feds Feed Families” food drive this year. At Jefferson Lab, the Thomas Jefferson Site Office (TJSO) will be collecting donations from its federal employees to benefit the Foodbank of the Virginia Peninsula. There is no expectation of Jefferson Lab employee participation in this program, although anyone wishing to contribute may do so. If interested, items most needed include: canned meats (fish, ham, chicken, beef stew, etc.), canned fruits and vegetables, complete meals (boxed meals, pasta and sauce, mac and cheese, etc.), boxed cereals, rice, granola bars, peanut butter and hygiene products (shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant, soap, diapers, etc.). No glass containers. Marked donation boxes for non-perishable food items will be located in the CEBAF Center lobby, July 7-31. For more information on Feds Feed Families, visit the website or contact Steve Neilson, x7215.
Last Chance to Submit Your Proposal to the JSA Initiatives Fund Program
JSA is soliciting proposals for Initiatives Fund support for the FY2015 program. An Initiatives Fund Evaluation Committee will review eligible proposals that meet the criteria. Members of the Jefferson Lab user community, Jefferson Lab researchers and staff, other individuals or groups who can make unique contributions to the lab's research, development, education and technology transfer missions may submit proposals. See current and past projects supported in the Initiatives Fund Program. Proposals are due by close of business on July 21. For more information, see the full announcement.