Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs July 29, 2015

Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
July 29, 2015

12 GeV Upgrade

The last civil construction task for the 12 GeV CEBAF Upgrade, accelerator tunnel air conditioning, is scheduled to be complete by the end of August. The chilled water and fire sprinkler piping has been pressure tested. The last remaining installation activity is the controls – sensors and wiring. Water balancing and commissioning are planned to start mid-August.

Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics

The Joint Physics Analysis Center has performed a new analysis of high energy pion-nucleon scattering based on Regge exchanges. The scattering amplitudes used in the analysis satisfy analyticity constraints and the so-called finite-energy sum rules. This is an important first step toward the implementation of these constraints in a global fit of hadron scattering data.


Some of the activities that the Mechanical Engineering group has been working on are as follows:

  • Continued work on Hall C dump rebuilding. The dis-assembly work has gone well and the inspection data from the dump face is being evaluated;
  • Fabrication of 12 QJ quadrupole magnets for UITF (Upgrade Injector Test Facility) in the Machine Shop;
  • Procurement is progressing on the Hall C beamline large stand, and the raster power supply enclosure design is being finalized; and
  • Detailed evaluation of SLAC's PEP-II magnets for potential use in the MEIC's Electron Collider Ring is complete.

Jefferson Lab Calendar of Events

July 28-30: Science & Technology Review
July 31: Summer Interns Poster Session
Aug. 18: American Red Cross Blood Drive
Aug. 19-21: Q-weak Collaboration Meeting
Sept. 7: Labor Day holiday; Jefferson Lab closed

Environment, Safety, Health & Quality

Golf Carts
While Facilities Management and Logistics has a maintenance program for the roughly 60 golf carts on the Jefferson Lab campus, a golf cart may still experience an unexpected mechanical failure. Recently, a worker was driving forward to park a cart in a drive-in space, when the cart’s accelerator pedal became stuck in the full down position. The golf cart jumped the parking space bumper and hit the wall. Fortunately, the driver was not hurt.

To help keep ourselves and our coworkers safe, it’s important to be good stewards of the golf carts. When you use a cart, pay attention to the cart and its condition. If you notice that the cart is not performing optimally, put in a Facilities Management Service Request to have it checked out. If you recognize or have a safety problem (pedals beginning to stick, windshield broken, etc.), tag it out and put in a service request. If you experience a serious issue, immediately call x7400 to arrange for a repair. The golf carts are a great resource for conducting lab business, and reporting problems with a cart early ensures that it will be available and work safely when someone needs it.


Volunteers Needed for Science Camp
All slots for the Aug. 10-14 session of Jefferson Lab’s Science Camp for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students are filled, and Science Education staff members are seeking volunteers interested in providing some basic assistance to the students in completing the math, graphs, data tables, etc., associated with planned activities, as well as with going through Quark Cafe for lunch. Any members of the Jefferson Lab community, family members (aged 16 and up) and friends who are interested in helping out are asked to contact Brita Hampton. You can also get more information from the posting on We Hear That.

Governor's School Mentorship Program Seeks Volunteer Mentors
Science Education seeks volunteer mentors for a program for students in their senior year of high school at the New Horizons Governor's School for Science and Technology. The mentorships will begin in early September and conclude at the end of May 2016. Mentors will provide a project that can be completed in an academic school year with the student working five hours a week/35 hours a quarter (nine weeks). The mentorship culminates with the students' formal presentation of their project in both written and oral forms. Science Education will take care of all training and orientation. If you are interested in serving as a mentor or if you have any questions, contact Brita Hampton at x7633, by Wednesday, August 5.

Lab Community Invited to Summer Interns Poster Session on July 31
All members of the Jefferson Lab community are invited to attend the 2015 Summer Interns Poster Session to be held in the CEBAF Center lobby on Friday, July 31, 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. Nearly 40 participants from this year's Jefferson Lab High School Summer Honors Internship Program, the DOE Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) program, and the Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program will be on hand with posters they developed to present their work or research projects.

Deadline Nears for JSA Initiatives Fund Proposals
Jefferson Science Associates is soliciting proposals for JSA Initiatives Fund support for the FY2016 program. The deadline for submitting a proposal to the SURA Chief Governance Office is close of business on July 31. Members of the Jefferson Lab user community, Jefferson Lab researchers and staff, other individuals or groups who can make unique contributions to the lab's research, development, education and technology transfer missions may submit proposals. An Initiatives Fund Evaluation Committee will review eligible proposals. For more information and to see the full announcement, click the link.

JLab Weekly Briefs is an ongoing publication providing information on the status of safety, accelerator operations, experiments, free-electron laser, reviews, upcoming activities and special events. Deadline for submission is every Tuesday by 10 a.m. Submit new items to: Public Affairs or contact Kandice Carter at x7263.