12 GeV Upgrade
The Hall D Barrel Calorimeter, Forward Calorimeter, Forward Drift Chamber, Central Drift Chamber and Time of Flight wall, i.e. the five large subsystems of the main spectrometer in Hall D, are all being commissioned in their final positions. The fixed array tagger hodoscope and pair spectrometer detectors are being installed. The detector elements for the tagger microscope and the start counter are being assembled at the vendors’ sites, with their arrival expected in August for installation into the hall. Operation of the electronics, the trigger network, and the data transfer from the experiment’s digitizers all the way to the data storage silos has been demonstrated, with effort now focused on operating all electronics and data acquisition crates in parallel. Candidates for the thin diamond crystals needed to create the Hall D photon beam have been tested at the CHESS (Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source) synchrotron light source and shown to have adequately narrow rocking curves. These will be subsequently thinned to 20 microns, as needed for the coherent bremsstrahlung radiator. The repairs to the Hall D helium refrigerator have been completed. The refrigerator plant was restarted and tested, and in parallel the cool-down of the Hall D solenoid magnet also was started. Earlier this week, the refrigerator was connected to the solenoid, and the coil return temperatures are between 8 Kelvin and 11 K.
The Alignment group reports that they have finished or are working on the following projects:
New control points were measured in the Hall A dump (this area has been sealed off and not surveyed since 1996);
Control work was completed to update monuments in Halls B and C;
A trial fit of the Hall D target was completed;
The connecting survey between the Hall D tagger vault and Hall D was started, which involves connecting to the surface control points and back into the underground facilities;
Support continued of the dogleg magnet upgrades, with the assembly and measurement of the 1st CW magnet;
A vendor was visited to inspect the Hall C Moller coils; and
Support continued of Hall B's Silicon Vertex Tracker detector construction.
The Magnet Measurement group has been working on the design of a new portable test stand that will enable the measurement of the magnetic field of large magnets in situ. The final drawings are almost complete.
Facilities Management and Logistics
Jefferson Lab Annual Property Inventory Is Underway
The annual property inventory continues through September 12. The property manager has randomly selected 20 percent of Jefferson Lab's property custodians for this year's property inventory. Those custodians will be contacted by a member of the property staff. In addition, any custodians that did not complete their annual property validation will also be included in the inventory group for this year.
To complete the inventory, each item must be physically seen by a member of the property office. Note that the property custodian is responsible for knowing the location of and searching for, if needed, their assigned property, not the property staff. Property staff will go to the location identified for each item during the property validation to inventory the property. The assigned custodian will be notified of any item not located at its specified location, and the item will be reported as "missing" until the item is physically located by the custodian and verified by property staff. If you have questions, contact Christian Whalen at x5899. |
Computing and Networking Infrastructure
Central Computing Outages Set for Saturday, Aug. 16
The CNI group is planning an outage of the central computing infrastructure on Saturday, Aug. 16, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. During this time, there will be intermittent outages of various central services while major upgrades and reconfiguration is performed on the central computing infrastructure. All services will be back up and stable by 5 p.m. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this outage, contact the IT Division Helpdesk at helpdesk@jlab.org or x7155.
Summer Science Student Poster Session Set for Aug. 1
More than 40 high school students and college undergraduates who participated in summer science internship programs at Jefferson Lab will share with invited guests and members of the lab community results from their respective summer research projects during a poster session. The poster session brings to a close a highly successful summer intern session designed to promote science and energy. The session will be in the CEBAF Center atrium, 11:45 a.m. – 1 p.m. on Aug.1.
Roy Whitney Retirement Celebration Scheduled for Aug. 1
The Jefferson Lab community is invited to attend a retirement celebration for Jefferson Lab's Chief Information Officer and Chief Technology Officer, Roy Whitney, in CEBAF Center on Aug. 1 at 3:30 p.m. You may also post your best wishes and kind thoughts for Roy on the occasion of his retirement to a virtual guest book.
JLab to Test Tornado Warning Siren at 10:30 a.m. on Friday, Aug. 1
Jefferson Lab's tornado warning siren will undergo its monthly operational test at 10:30 a.m. on Friday, Aug. 1. Depending on weather conditions at the time of the test, the siren may be heard by anyone within a 1.5-mile radius of the lab.
Department of Energy Food Drive Ends Thursday
The Department of Energy is again participating in the “Feds Feed Families” food drive this year. At Jefferson Lab, the Thomas Jefferson Site Office (TJSO) will be collecting donations from its federal employees to benefit the Foodbank of the Virginia Peninsula. There is no expectation of Jefferson Lab employee participation in this program, although anyone wishing to contribute may do so. If interested, items most needed include: canned meats (fish, ham, chicken, beef stew, etc.), canned fruits and vegetables, complete meals (boxed meals, pasta and sauce, mac and cheese, etc.), boxed cereals, rice, granola bars, peanut butter and hygiene products (shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant, soap, diapers, etc.). No glass containers will be accepted. Marked donation boxes for non-perishable food items will be located in the CEBAF Center lobby through July 31. For more information on Feds Feed Families, visit the website or contact Steve Neilson, x7215.
TIAA-CREF Financial Education and Retirement Planning Resources
Jefferson Lab's investment service provider, TIAA-CREF, now offers multiple financial and retirement planning webinars covering a range of topics to assist you with planning and saving for retirement. Each webinar averages about 30-45 minutes in duration and is offered at no cost to the employee. In addition, TIAA-CREF continues to offer multiple resources for employee retirement planning to all regular and term employees. You can find detailed information about these services in the full all-staff memo.
Jefferson Lab Calendar of Events
July 28-31: Program Advisory Committee Meeting (PAC42)
August 1: Summer Science Student Poster Session
August 5-7: 2014 Accelerator Safety Workshop
August 18: Safety Shoe Vendor onsite
August 18-19: Q-weak Collaboration
August 26-28: Accelerator Readiness Review
Sept. 1: Labor Day, Jefferson Lab closed