Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
March 31, 2010
12 GeV UpgradeThe construction phase of the 12 GeV Upgrade places demands on shared resources throughout the lab, such as assembly and storage space, as well as shared support services, such as RadCon and survey/alignment. Coordination and integration efforts continue to help lab personnel understand the resource constraints and plan for optimized solutions, including identifying possible efficiencies through purchases of common instrumentation racks and electrical equipment. Coordinated planning is underway for the upcoming summer 2010 scheduled accelerator shutdown, which will include these 12 GeV installation tasks: the remaining west arc low-conductivity water supply and return lines, Arc 10 stands, four cryomodule baseplates, radiofrequency waveguide hangers and cables. Physics Nuclear Science and Engineering Scholarships and Fellowships AcceleratorBeam was running well during the week. Continuous wave 100μA beam was established to the Hall A beam dump. There were about three shifts of downtime during the weekend. During late swing shift on Friday, the beam became unstable, starting from the injector chicane. On Saturday, it was found that Injector Chicane Dipole MDK0R02 had a ground fault, which was caused by water dripping into the magnet assembly. After the problem was corrected, there was an electrical problem with Rack SL19B09. Beam delivery was resumed late Saturday. On Sunday, Beamline Vacuum Valve VBV2L08A would not open; the problem was corrected by replacing the indicator switch. Free-Electron LaserThe FEL team ran first beam out of the injector this week, and team members are troubleshooting diagnostics and beam transport. Theory CenterIn the factorized picture of semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering of hadrons, transverse single spin asymmetries are described by the naive time-reversal odd parton distribution functions when the transverse momentum of the measured hadrons are at the scale of intrinsic quark momenta, kT ≈ ΛQCD. It has been suggested that the QCD reaction mechanism is described by final state interactions of the active parton with the remaining jets. In arXiv:0911.1964 [hep-ph], an improved treatment of final state interactions is presented by including color degrees of freedom in a calculation of these dynamical effects. Facilities Management and LogisticsThe Technology and Engineering Development Facility (TEDF) received approval from DOE on March 26 to start site-work construction on the project. FM&L staffers expect to see some construction activity start in mid-April. Site work includes relocation of utilities, construction of a new accelerator site gatehouse and construction of a process support building that will replace the current acid neutralization building. It is anticipated that parking in front of the Test Lab and Onnes Road between Lawrence Drive and SURA Road will be closed starting in mid-May. Building construction is anticipated to start in July. JLab's Safety Numbers 15 Days since Last Recordable Accident (JLab record: 331) JLab Calendar of Events April 14-15: AVS Mid-Atlantic chapter meeting and short course
Environment, Safety, Health & Quality DIY Dangers If you are a Do-It-Yourselfer, remember that you should never start a job until you are 100 percent sure you have everything you need and have done your homework on what can go wrong. Apply JLab work principles: Think through home projects carefully, determine if you have the tools and skills to use them, address the hazards with the appropriate training and personal protective equipment, and stop the project and call in a subject matter expert if you get to a point where you are beyond your expertise. When you think about the cost/benefit of DIY, consider the rework cost, aggravation and potential for a serious injury. Computing and Networking Infrastructure Windows 7 at JLab After April 5, IT staff will be glad to assist users in reformatting any existing Windows systems to Windows 7. Visit the Windows 7 webpage to determine whether your current machine will support Windows 7 under the JLab CUE. If you would like your system to run Windows 7, submit a CCPR requesting the new build, and staffers will be happy to assist you. Windows Power Management at JLab Announcements Voting is Open for JLab's 2010 T-Shirt Design Interested in Golf? Lecture on Light at Old Dominion University Volunteers Needed for JLab's Open House TIAA-CREF Counseling Sessions Free Seminar on Vacuum |