12 GeV Upgrade
Experimental Hall B
The cryogenic service tower has been installed on the CLAS12 Torus magnet in Hall B. The lines for magnet cryogens and the main current bus are being connected. After a leak check, the magnet will be ready for an initial vacuum pump-down. In parallel, the cryogenics distribution can that serves as interface between the End Station Refrigerator and the CLAS12 magnets has arrived and is being checked. The Experimental Readiness Review needed prior to the cool-down is set for April 13. The in-field checkout is ongoing for the control logic and instrument readouts for the magnet, the main power supply for the Torus has been tested, and installation of the various parts of the vacuum pumping system is well underway.
The fifth coil (of five) for the CLAS12 Solenoid is nearing the half-way point in winding. Leaks in the helium cooling channel of the bobbin holding the first four coils resulted in schedule delay. The involvement of subject matter experts at Jefferson Lab was critical to development of a leak repair plan, including fabrication of critical parts in our machine shop. The components needed for the Solenoid cold mass assembly are arriving steadily at the vendor, ETI. The Manufacturing Readiness Review of the cold mass assembly procedures is scheduled for March 30.
Experimental Hall C
Work progresses for the motion controls for subsystems on the Super High Momentum Spectrometer (SHMS) in Hall C. The shield house incorporates two very heavy concrete doors, which are opened and closed with the assistance of electric motors. The system logic was tested and then modified to assure that the doors will stop moving if the person operating them lets go of the control button. In addition, new motor drivers for the collimators on both of the Hall C spectrometers have been installed and configured to work with the existing motors. The collimator box for the SHMS will soon be put in place, completing the spectrometer's vacuum-channel connection between the HB and Q1 magnets.
Major components of all three remaining SHMS magnets are back in the vendor, Sigmaphi, magnet factory in France. The helium vessel that contains the Q3 coil just returned from the metalwork shop. The Q2 magnet is on its transatlantic shipping cradle and is being outfitted with a Cryo-Control Reservoir (CCR). The dipole, most advanced of the three, now has its nitrogen supply/return manifold installed. Once the leak-checking of the nitrogen system is complete, the end-caps will be welded onto the dipole vacuum vessel, concluding the factory assembly of that magnet. Equipment is being readied for checking its magnetic field before it is shipped to Jefferson Lab. Plans for rigging and final assembly of the magnets in Hall C are well-advanced.
Jefferson Lab Published Journal Articles, March 21-25
- Chen Xu, Charles E. Reece, and Michael J. Kelley. "Simulation of nonlinear superconducting rf losses derived from characteristic topography of etched and electropolished niobium surfaces." Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 19, 033501.
Remember to submit your papers for approval to the Jefferson Lab Publications database.
JSA Offers Sabbatical and Research Leave Support at Jefferson Lab
JSA is now accepting applications for the JSA/JLab Sabbatical and Research Leave Support Program for the 2016-2017 academic year, with support beginning as early as summer 2016. The program is funded by the JSA Initiatives Fund. Application materials for the program are due by March 31. Visit the website for an application form and proposal requirements. If you have any questions about the program, contact Elizabeth L. Lawson at elawson@sura.org.
Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics
A new article describes the evolution of gluon transverse momentum dependent (TMD) distribution functions, which are important for our understanding of the three-dimensional structure of hadrons. In particular, the paper demonstrates a striking symmetry between the TMD distributions in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering and Drell-Yan reactions. This result is especially non-trivial in the non-linear or saturation region, where a future Electron-Ion Collider will operate.
Facilities Management and Logistics
Effective April 4: Jefferson Lab Entrance at Lawrence Dr. Reopens; Lawrence Access to ARC Closes
The current phase of work on the Hampton Roads Sanitation District 30-inch sewer main under Lawrence Drive will be completed this week. Detour signage is being installed to allow work to commence on the next phase that will start next week. Beginning some time on Monday, April 4, the Jefferson Lab entrance at Lawrence Drive and Jefferson Avenue will reopen. On this same date, the Lawrence Drive entrance to the ARC – from Hogan Drive – will be closed. For about six weeks, Lawrence Drive will be closed from Hogan Drive south beyond Pauli Drive. This will allow for installation of the new sewer main under this section of Lawrence Drive.
During this time, all traffic will enter and exit Jefferson Lab via the Jefferson Avenue entrance at Lawrence to Kelvin Drive, or down Hogan Drive and then to Hofstadter Road or Rattley Road. Follow the posted detour signs. A map showing the excavation/work area and detour routes may be viewed here. The hash-marked area over Lawrence Drive indicates where the road will be closed for this phase.
All construction is scheduled to be completed by early July. This includes repaving Lawrence Drive, Pauli Drive and Rattley Road. If you have any questions about this work, contact Facilities Management and Logistics Manager, Rusty Sprouse, at x7589.
Jefferson Lab Calendar of Events
March 29-31: JLEIC Collaboration meeting
March 31: AVS Mid-Atlantic Meeting
April 4: Retirement Reception for Dave Kausch
April 12: American Red Cross Blood Drive
April 13: Teacher Night at Jefferson Lab
April 14: JSA 2016 Vendor Fair
April 30: Jefferson Lab Open House
May 4: Jefferson Lab Run-A-Round
May 16-19: Precision Radiative Corrections for Next-Generation Experiments workshop
May 30: Memorial Day holiday, Jefferson Lab closed |
Environment, Safety, Health and Quality
Lead Soldering Stations
Many areas have dedicated soldering stations for a number of different applications. One of the requirements to solder is that the solderers must take SAF136, Lead Worker Safety Awareness, training and ensure that their workstation is kept lead free. The following workstation safety information can also be found in SAF136 training:
- Post the soldering station as a "lead work area";
- Wear safety glasses;
- No food or drink is allowed at the solder station;
- Keep solder temperature at manufacturer's melting point;
- Wash hands after solder operations;
- Clean solder mats weekly with paper towel and liquid cleaner (e.g. Spray Nine); and
- Dispose of solder mats every quarter; and
For more information, see ES&H Manual Chapter 6680 Lead Program or contact Industrial Hygiene. Remindar: with the number of summer students who may be assigned soldering work as part of their education, their direct supervisor must ensure they have SAF136 training.
Volunteer Now for Jefferson Lab Open House on April 30!
Jefferson Lab will hold an open house on Saturday, April 30, from 9 a.m.–3 p.m. The event is an opportunity for people of all ages to spend the day exploring this world-class research facility. Volunteers will fill a wide range of roles - from interactive roles requiring specialized knowledge to guiding the flow of pedestrian traffic. You can work the entire event (eight hours), or a four-hour morning or afternoon shift. To volunteer, you can sign up online.
AVS Regional Meeting, Vendor Fair, Poster Session Today in CEBAF Center
The AVS Mid-Atlantic Chapter meeting is being held in CEBAF Center today (Thursday, March 31). Members of the Jefferson Lab community are invited to the Vendor Fair, which will take place in the CEBAF Center lobby noon-6 p.m. The lab community is also invited to attend the student-research poster competition, also taking place in the lobby, 4-6 p.m. Additional details are on the flier posted on We Hear That.
Charles Perdisat’s "Last Lecture": William & Mary Physics Department Special Colloquium
Professor Charles Perdrisat will give his "last lecture," celebrating 50 years of service to The College of William and Mary on the occasion of his retirement, in a special colloquium on Friday, April 1, at 4 p.m. in W&M’s Small Hall, Room 111. The lecture, titled "The Elastic Form Factors of the Nucleon," will focus on a series of experiments initiated at the then-new CEBAF electron accelerator. The experiments gave unexpected results, changing significantly our understanding of the structure of the proton. These experiments used a relatively new technique to obtain the two form factors of the proton: polarization. An intense beam of highly polarized electrons with energy up to 6 GeV was made to interact with protons in a hydrogen target, and the resulting polarization of the recoiling protons was obtain from a second interaction in a polarimeter. After a short introduction describing the path that brought Perdrisat from the University of Geneva to William & Mary in 1966, he will introduce the subject of elastic electron scattering, describe some of the apparatus required for such experiments, show results, and then give a brief outline of several theoretical considerations to put the results in a proper perspective. Prior to the lecture, cookies and coffee will be served in Room 122 at 3:30 p.m.
Red Cross Blood Drive Scheduled for Tuesday, April 12
The next American Red Cross Blood Drive will take place Tuesday, April 12, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. in CEBAF Center room F113. New and repeat donors are encouraged to attend. To schedule an appointment, visit redcrossblood.org/ and enter Sponsor Code: TJNAF. You can also schedule an appointment by contacting Johnie Banks at jbanks@jlab.org or x7539. Visit the website for donation eligibility requirements.
Professional Development Lunch and Learn Offered April 5
The Training and Performance Office is sponsoring a "Dale Carnegie" Lunch and Learn on Professional Development.The training session will be held on April 5 in CEBAF Center, room F113, noon-1 p.m. Feel free to bring your lunch and join the discussion. This training is informal, is open to all employees, is free to attend, and no registration is required. The one-hour course will cover the topics of improving communication, building self-confidence, strengthening people skills, controlling worry and stress and mastering leadership skills. See the link for more on the topics of discussion.
Education Seeks Projects for Summer Honors Interns; Send Ideas/Proposals in by May 2
Six to eight outstanding high school students will be selected to participate in the lab's 2016 High School Summer Honors Program, which will be held at the lab June 27- Aug. 5. The students are currently in the 10th and 11th grades and have expressed interest in pursuing scientific and technical careers. Lab scientists, engineers and other technical managers who are interested in serving as a mentor and have a project to be accomplished this summer are asked to send a description of the work to Brita Hampton, x7633, by May 2. The students will be required to develop a poster about their project and present it during a poster session on the last day of their program. See more information about the program in the full announcement.
Research Assistantship Program Now Taking Nominations
Jefferson Lab is seeking candidates for the 2016-2017 Minority/Female Undergraduate Research Assistantship (MFURA) program. Through the MFURA program, a minority or female junior or senior level undergraduate student will work on a Jefferson Lab-related project at his or her university during the academic year. Students must be nominated by university professors with whom the students would conduct the research. Nominations will be accepted through May 2. For information on the eligibility requirements or to nominate a student, see the linked webpage. MFURA is funded by the JSA Initiatives Fund Program, a commitment from the JSA owners, SURA and PAE Applied Technologies.
Property Validation Deadline Is Today
The Property Validation period is coming to a close on March 31. To see what items still need to be validated in your property list, visit the Insight page and click the link in the Personal Information section. For more about the Annual Property Training and Validations process, see the full all staff memo. If an item can't be found, you must submit a Missing Item report. If you have any questions about this process, call the Property Management office at x7025 or x5899.