12 GeV Upgrade
12 GeV Safety
The Long Shutdown (LSD) phase of the 12 GeV Upgrade has come to a close. With this, the focus turns to the commissioning of the accelerator. Much of the activities will be centered on hot checkout of the components and subsystems needed to commission the accelerator and subsequently return to delivering beam. Hot checkout is a process whereby the functionality of required hardware and software is tested and signed off as being ready for beam operations. Accelerator Operations staff have developed a new tool to track the progress of the checkout/signoff process, which leverages lessons learned from previous machine shutdowns.
In Hall C, the concrete floor for the Super High Momentum Spectrometer shield houses has been poured. Contractors are now assembling the wood forms for the walls of the detector hut and the shielded electronics room.
AIP Seeks Applicants for State Department Fellowship
The American Institute of Physics is seeking applicants for its 2014-2015 State Department Science Fellowship. This is an opportunity for scientists to make a unique and substantial contribution to the foreign policy process by spending a year working at the U.S. State Department. The application deadline is Nov. 1. Details and application information can be found on the AIP website.
Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics
Momentum distributions of individual protons or neutrons, nucleon pairs (like pn or pp), and nucleon clusters (like deuteron-proton in 3He) provide useful insights into various reactions on nuclei, including the electro-disintegration processes (e,e'p) and (e,e'pp or pn) studied at Jefferson Lab on a variety of nuclear targets. A new paper makes tabulations of these available online for download in nuclei with mass number A = 2-12.
JLab Calendar of Events
Oct. 3-5: GlueX Collaboration Meeting
Oct. 7: Safety Shoe vendor onsite
Oct. 15: Science Series: Exploring the Nature of Matter Along the High-Intensity Frontier
Oct. 16: TEDF Dedication Ceremony
Oct. 18: JAG Fall Golf outing
Oct. 21: Safety Shoe vendor onsite
Oct. 21-22: QCD Frontier Workshop
Oct. 22-23: Accelerator Readiness Review
Oct. 23-26: APS Division of Nuclear Physics 2013 Fall Meeting
Oct. 29: JAG Tailgate Picnic
Oct. 30: American Red Cross Blood Drive
Nov. 12: Science Series: The Birth of Our Universe: Evidence for the Big Bang
Nov. 20-23: CLAS Collaboration Meeting
Nov. 28-29: Thanksgiving Holiday, Jefferson Lab closed
Environment, Safety, Health and Quality
Resolving ES&H Concerns
To ensure your welfare and productivity, Jefferson Lab has several mechanisms for employees, or anyone who comes into contact with the lab, to report issues potentially affecting the safety of workers, visitors, lab neighbors or the environment without fear of retaliation or reprisal. ES&H Manual Chapter 2310 lists a variety of mechanisms for resolving and reporting ES&H concerns and for preventing similar concerns from occurring in the future.
Here is a list of the options you have for resolving an ES&H concern:
If possible, resolve the ES&H concern yourself.
If you are unable to resolve the concern yourself, refer the concern to your supervisor and management chain using the mechanisms outlined here.
You may also consult your Safety Warden, Division Safety Officer, your representative to the Worker Safety Committee, or contact an ESH&Q staff member directly for any ES&H concerns you may have.
If you would like to remain anonymous, or if you feel that it is more appropriate, use Jefferson Lab’s Employee Concerns Program.
If one or more of the above steps have not resulted in resolution of the concern, or if you feel that it is more appropriate, you may also use the formal DOE Employee Concerns Management System hotline at 800-676-3267.
Or use this link to the form for the DOE's Differing Professional Opinion (DPO) process also found in DOE Order 442.2 or by calling or emailing the DOE DPO Manager, Scott Davis, at 301-903-9641.
The DOE DPO process ensures that all JSA employees and contractor employees have the right to report environment, safety, and health technical concerns that have not been resolved through routine work processes.
Once your concern has been addressed, communicate any lessons learned to your staff, co-workers, supervisors and your Division Lessons Learned Coordinator. ES&H Manual Chapter 2310 offers more information on concern resolution.
Training and Responsibilities of Mentors at Jefferson Lab
Jefferson Lab employs qualified students in a variety of programs, and it is important that the students’ experience is of the highest value. The Director's Safety Council has partnered with various other divisions across the lab to establish a seamless process for when a sponsor or host assumes responsibility for a student or user. To that end, the sponsor/host will assure that each student is assigned a “Mentor” - a knowledgeable person responsible for the student’s day-to-day work. The Administrative Manual has been updated to reflect new policies pertaining to students and users as it relayed to mentoring activities. All mentors should review this All-Staff Memo, which explains the process of mentoring and a mentor's requirements and responsibilities, as well as Administrative Manual Section 203.07 for more information.
Pressure Systems Safety Awareness Training Offered
Anyone working on equipment that employs a vacuum or pressurized gases should consider taking the Pressure Systems Safety Awareness (SAF130A) course (a list of pressure systems can be found in ES&H Manual Chapter 6151 Pressure and Vacuum Systems Safety Program). This 1.5-hour course will cover the basic considerations and provide insight into the required process for the design, fabrication, testing, inspection, maintenance, repair and operation of pressure systems. SAF130A will be offered Oct. 9 at 10:30 a.m. in CEBAF Center room F224-225. To sign up, log in to the Learning Management System and register.
Appraisal Self-Assessments Due Oct. 14
Supervisors should have already activated their employees' performance appraisals. Employees have until Oct. 14 to complete and forward their self-assessments to their supervisors. For more details on commonly asked questions pertaining to the performance review and promotion process, visit the Performance Appraisal web page. In the event you are away from the lab and need to access your performance appraisal, you may do so by obtaining a personal identification number from Brandye Rogers (x5959), April Sessoms (x7663), Cassandra Andrews (x7068) or Bruce Ullman (x7170).
Monthly Tornado Siren Test Set for Friday
Jefferson Lab's tornado warning siren will undergo its monthly operational test at 10:30 a.m on Friday, Oct. 4. Depending on weather conditions at the time of the test, the siren may be heard by anyone within a 1.5-mile radius of the lab. Don't respond to the siren; this is a test of the siren system and not a personnel response exercise. If this were an actual Tornado Warning, this message would direct you to take cover immediately in a Severe Wind Take Cover area.
Classes Take Virtual Field Trip to Jefferson Lab
Jefferson Lab hosted a Google+ Virtual Field Trip for two high school classrooms: James Hillhouse High School in New Haven, Conn., and The Governor's School of Southside Virginia in Alberta, Va. The event was led by the hosts of Jefferson Lab's Frostbite Theater series on YouTube, and it featured a visit into the CEBAF accelerator, Hall D and the Data Center with DOE and Jefferson Lab staff. The students were shown around each site and were given the opportunity to ask questions. Questions were also fielded from participants on social media. The Oct. 1 event was facilitated by Google and kicked off a series of Virtual Field Trips to the DOE National Labs. You can watch the event from the G+ Event posting or on Jefferson Lab's YouTube channel.
United Way Campaign Kicks Off Today
The United Way annual fundraising campaign at Jefferson Lab kicked off today. You can download a United Way pledge form online, and hard copies are available at the reception desks at the Support Service Center and CEBAF Center. They may also be picked up at the United Way Raffle ticket sales table in the CEBAF Center lobby daily during lunch. Send or deliver completed forms to Joshua Cameron in CEBAF Center, Room B214, Mail Stop 12-B, by Friday, Nov. 1. Questions may be directed to Joshua Cameron, x7628.
2014 Calendar Preview
Bill Waide, Forms & Supply, will be on site Friday, Oct. 4, in the CEBAF Center lobby 10 a.m.-noon with information on 2014 calendars. Stop by to see catalogs and ask questions. Bill can provide information on product numbers available through the Jefferson Lab E-commerce system and information on special order calendar items not currently available on the site. For more information, contact Barbara Rice, x7238.
2013 Fall Golf Outing Registration Due Oct. 11
The Jefferson Lab 2013 Fall Golf Outing will be held on Friday, Oct. 18, at the Golden Horseshoe Golf Club (Green Course) in Williamsburg, Va. Register, no later than Friday, Oct. 11. Full details are available here.
TEDF Dedication Ceremony R.S.V.P. Due
Jefferson Lab will conduct a dedication ceremony of the new Technology & Engineering Development Facility (TEDF) on Wednesday, Oct. 16, at 3 p.m. The lab community is invited to attend the event. The program will include short remarks by lab leadership, the Department of Energy and invited officials. Afterward, attendees will be able to take a self-paced walking tour of the new and refurbished facilities. See the invitation and R.S.V.P. for the event online.
Tracking Thomas at Jefferson Lab
Little Thomas is visiting all corners of the Jefferson Lab campus. If you can identify his location this week, email Kandice Carter with your guess. Guesses are accepted through Friday.
Samika Hawkins and David Lawrence correctly guessed the location for Sept. 25. Honorable mentions go to Harry Fanning, Buddhini Waidyawansa and Lisa Surles-Law. Check out Tracking Thomas on flickr for a better view of his last location and this week's new mystery photo.