Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs October 24, 2012

Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
October 24, 2012

12 GeV Upgrade

The eighth C100 cryomodule has been completed; assembly of the coldmass for the tenth and final C100 has begun. The fourth and fifth C100s have been put in place in the tunnel. Re-installation of all the arc dipole magnets has been completed and hook-up of the vacuum lines is underway. Re-installation of the east recombiner is nearly complete. Installation of the east spreader and the reworked injector beamline is underway. Installation of the new radiofrequency systems for the new cryomodules has re-started after a period of inactivity due to the reduced FY12 funding. Installation of the moveable shielding wall at the downstream end of the tunnel to the Hall D tagger enclosure is nearing completion. Oxygen Deficiency Hazard system installation for Hall D continues. Installation of the refrigerator and transfer line for the Hall D solenoid is on schedule.

Long Shutdown

Long Shutdown activities are progressing well. The Cryogenics group is performing required maintenance and continuing installation work for the Hall D solenoid magnet in preparation for cooldown of the linacs and the solenoid. South Linac and east arc initial alignment continues as support for the magnet installation work as well as support for the halls. The Central Helium Liquefier cooling tower project is progressing well, with the goal to flow water by mid-November. Stands, base and ceiling plates have been removed from the transport region. B-Comm dipole magnets in the 1R region have been removed. FEL Personnel Safety System certification has been completed, as the FEL staff make preparations for running in the New Year.

Free-Electron Laser

The FEL team continues to make progress on the new injector beamline design and construction of a loadlock for the new gun. Staffers assembled a mockup of the ring resonator to test length measurement system resolution and sensitivity to alignment.

Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics

A new model to calculate spin-dependent nucleon-nucleon amplitudes at GeV energies has just been completed. JLab kinematics, where experiments have been performed for the electrodisintegration of the deuteron, allow for high-energy nucleons interacting in the final state, and accounting for these final state interactions is crucial in order to describe the data. The new amplitudes will provide a completely spin-dependent, relativistic description of the final state nucleons, allowing a greater understanding of the deuteron electrodisintegration process.


The Mechanical Systems Installation and Vacuum group has made excellent progress on the 12 GeV Upgrade, working in all areas of the accelerator. The Installation group has installed most of the east recombiner and injection chicane dipoles and girders, the east spreader floor to ceiling stands, the west recombiner floor and ceiling plates, the east arc pass 1 and 3 dipoles, and 70 percent of the Hall D tagger shield wall. The Vacuum group has completed girder rebuilds for the east recombiner, west spreader and injection chicane, 75 percent of the west recombiner, 70 percent of Line D, and 60 percent of the east spreader. The crews installed the beamlines on the south side of the east arc for pass 1 and 3. In addition, both groups have supported others with transfer line alignment, cryogenics maintenance, penetrations, power supply moves, magnet refurbishment, and 6 GeV accelerator maintenance.

JLab Calendar of Events

Oct. 24: JAG Oktoberfest
Oct. 29: Safety Shoe Vendor onsite
Nov. 5-8: TESLA Technology Collaboration (TTC) Meeting
Nov. 13: Science Series: The Origin of the Elements
Nov. 15-17: CTEQ Collaboration Meeting
Nov. 20: Colloquium and Public Lecture
Nov. 22-23: Thanksgiving holiday; JLab closed

Environment, Safety, Health and Quality

This time of year, we are treated to nature's color pallet, with the leaves adopting new hues. But as pretty as the autumn colors can be, they can also cause trouble. Leaves that have accumulated on sidewalks and roadways can make these surfaces slick, reducing traction for pedestrians and vehicles and potentially causing slips or falls. According to Injury Facts 2011, falls account for more than eight million trips to the emergency room in the U.S. each year and are one of the leading causes of unintentional injuries. Here are some quick tips for preventing falls due to autumn leaves:

  • If you have sidewalks or a driveway covered in leaves, take a few minutes to clean them off for your neighbors, neighborhood kids and family.
  • Be careful of leaves on the road when preparing to stop, and allow for longer stopping distances.
  • When walking across leaf-covered sidewalks or parking lots, don't make sudden changes of direction or try to change your stride, which can lead to a fall.


Come Out and Enjoy JAG Oktoberfest!
JLab employees, their immediate family members, users and students are invited to the Jefferson Activities Group Oktoberfest scheduled for today, 3-6 p.m. in the field behind the SURA Residence Facility. A variety of foods will be available, as well as games and activities, including a Cornhole Tournament (must register in advance, see brief), Bounce House, Treasure in a Haystack, Pumpkin Toss, Candy Jar Guessing Game, Children's Arts and Crafts, Field Games and JAG Dog Training Club Canine Costume Parade. Everyone attending is encouraged to wear a costume. Also, the winning raffle tickets will be drawn for the two iPads that are part of the lab's United Way fund-raising campaign.

Drivers Speak Out – Commuter Survey Results
About one-third of the lab’s staff and users who participated in a recent commuter poll say they would join a carpool program, if the lab offered one. The remaining two-thirds of those surveyed say carpooling would not work for them, citing family obligations (transporting children to school or daycare, etc.) and irregular work schedules as barriers to their participation. A total of 480 people took the survey, providing valuable information as the lab looks to develop programs to grow its sustainability program. The survey also found support for telecommuting and alternate work schedules as a way to lessen the number of commuters. You can see the results on Insight. 

JLab Library Offers Access to the Info You Need Most
The library staff wishes to inform you that there are new and exciting features, new book lists and an RSS feed to the newly published AIP proceedings (full-text documents are accessible onsite). Lab staff and users are invited to visit the library in the Applied Research Center (ARC) on the first floor. The Information Commons room is also available for discussions and meetings; it seats five comfortably.

Mobile Mammography Unit Onsite in December
The Sentara Mobile Mammography Unit will be at JLab on Dec. 10, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. in the ARC parking lot. Mammography detects breast cancer, and The American Cancer Society recommends scheduling your first or baseline mammogram by age 40. It only takes 15 minutes. This service is open to all employees as well as their family members or friends as personal health insurances will be billed. To make an appointment, visit the Sentara website or call 1-800-SENTARA (736-8272).

JLab Map Updated
The JLab Detailed Site Plan has now been posted online. The map features the building numbers, names and locations of all buildings on site, as well as the proper names for site roadways.

Name That Cryomodule Contest Underway!
It is a tradition at JLab to name the cryomodules that make up the accelerator. In keeping with that tradition, the lab is conducting a contest to name each of the 10 new C100 cryomodules (part of the 12 GeV Upgrade). In addition to submitting a name, please provide a brief statement (1-2 sentences) explaining the significance of the name you propose. Submit all entries by e-mail. All entries must be submitted by Oct. 31.
Tracking Thomas at JLab
Little Thomas is visiting all corners of the JLab campus. If you can identify his location this week, email Kandice Carter with your guess. Guesses are accepted through Friday.

Congratulations this week go to Samika Hawkins and Harry Fanning, who were the first to correctly identify the location for Oct. 17. Honorable mentions go to Darrell Spraggins, Doug Higinbotham, Debra Brand and Dick Owen. Check out the Tracking Thomas webpage for a better view of his last location and this week's new mystery photo.