Jefferson Lab Published Journal Articles, September 1-7
Ling-Yun Dai, M.R. Pennington. "Two photon couplings of the lightest isoscalars from BELLE data." Physics Letters B 736, 11 (2014).
Tech Note: Jay Benesch. "Injector solenoid design 2014 update." JLAB-TN-14-022.
Remember to submit your papers for approval to the Jefferson Lab Publications database.
Publications Refresher Course Offered Oct. 1
The next Publications Training and Refresher course will be held on Oct. 1 at 9 a.m. in CEBAF Center room F226. In this session, authors will learn how to submit manuscripts to the Publications Review and Approval System, how to make recommended revisions to papers during the signature process, and how to add the relevant information once the paper is published. Coffee and refreshments will be provided. If you would like to attend, R.S.V.P. to Kim Edwards by Friday, Sept. 26.
Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics
Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) - popular in video gaming - have enormous computational power. That power has been harnessed to advance the theoretical physics program at Jefferson Lab and research at other large national facilities, such as Oak Ridge National Lab and the University of Illinois. Recently, a software framework has been developed that supports moving a large lattice QCD code suite ("chroma") onto GPUs while also achieving high performance. This new framework is supporting lattice QCD calculations relevant for Jefferson Lab's Hall B and Hall D physics programs.
Over the last several weeks, the Alignment group has completed or is working on the following tasks:
Control work in the east and west arcs and checks in the accelerator linacs; This work was done to monitor tunnel movements and determine if corrections need to be applied to account for a change in the beam pathlength;
Work continues in the final alignment in Line D and the Hall D tagger region;
The final alignment of the southwest corner dogleg magnets is ongoing;
The Hall A dump vacuum pipe and viewers is being worked on;
Support for Hall B's silicon vertex tracker detector, Region 1 detectors and other Hall B equipment is ongoing; and
The injector's 5D bubble chamber line was aligned.
Jefferson Lab Calendar of Events
Sept. 17: Colloquium: The Parity Violation Program at JLab
Sept. 22: Safety Shoe vendor onsite
Sept. 24: TEDxCERN Live Stream offered in CC auditorium
Oct. 2-4: GlueX Collaboration meeting
Oct. 17: Jefferson Lab Fall Golf Outing
Oct. 22: Colloquium: The Pursuit of Better SRF Cavities
Environment, Safety, Health and Quality
Work Planning for All
Recently, a supervisor of a crew working on a railroad trestle bridge in Idaho instructed crew members to use torches to cut steel beams. The supervisor did not recognize that the beams had lead paint, resulting in the hazards posed by melting the lead and inhaling lead fumes. The resultant exposures caused one employee to be hospitalized with acute lead poisoning and four others to have high blood lead levels. Lead is a significant neurotoxin and poses other adverse health effects.
The basis of this event was that the experienced supervisor had no knowledge of lead paint or the hazards it posed from torch use. None of the employees questioned the work being conducted. The supervisor continued the job, even after one worker was hospitalized with acute lead poisoning.
So how does this relate to Jefferson Lab? While most supervisors here have extensive experience and great familiarity with the materials in use, they routinely use various work planning tools. The work plans are often reviewed by ESH&Q professionals to try to identify subtle hazards. However, everyone can also contribute to their own exposure prevention.
When you are assigned a task, do you ask yourself - What do I know about the hazards of this material and what can happen if its form or use changes? For example, what if a paint was intended to be applied with a brush but now it is to be sprayed? The exposure changes dramatically, and the controls planned for the initial exposure are inadequate. Any time you are faced with a new task, be sure to review the work planning documents yourself for the safety of you and your coworkers.
Computing and Networking Infrastructure
Mathematica and Maple software updates
On Tuesday evening, Sept. 16, the default version of Mathematica will be updated from Mathematica 8.0.4 to Mathematica 9.0.1. The newest version, Mathematica 10.0.0, will also be made available for use via the Common User Environment "use" command. Maple version 18 will also become available on all Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (RHEL6) systems, as it is not supported under RHEL5. In order to use the new, non-default, versions of Mathematica and Maple, log in to one of the jlabl* systems and type "use mathematica/10" for Mathematica or "use maple/18" for Maple. If you have any questions about these programs, contact the IT Division helpdesk at, or x7155.
CNI Maintenance Period Set for Tuesday Sept. 16, 5-10 p.m.
The CNI group is planning a maintenance period on Sept. 16, 5-10 p.m. During this time, all Virtual Desktop computers will be unavailable, while the software is upgraded. All MIS applications will also be down, 8:30-10 p.m. A Java update will be pushed out to all Common User Environment Windows Desktops. Finally, Linux and Windows patches will be released during this maintenance period. Plan on rebooting your desktop Windows or Linux system no later than Thursday to finalize all patch installations. If you have any questions or concerns, contact the IT Division helpdesk at, or x7155.
Get Jefferson Lab Site-Wide Alert Pager Messages on Your Personal Cell Phone
You can register your personal cell phone number in JList to receive SWAs, weather advisories, laboratory closing notices and other alerts. Additionally, others at the lab will be able to text you from Jefferson Lab’s web staff-search application. In order to register your cell phone number in JList, send an email to with email subject line "Add personal cell to SWA JList List." In the body of the email, provide your name, cell phone number including area code, and the service carrier (Sprint, AT&T, Verizon, etc). Questions may be directed to
Reminder: Request to Take Two Workforce Surveys
All Jefferson Lab employees are urged to fill out each of two survey forms in order to fulfill a requirement from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP). Please click on the link for each form and choose the category that best matches your situation. Each form provides numerous options to choose from, including options for “choose not to disclose” and “does not apply.” The survey will be available through COB Tuesday, Sept.16.
You can find the two forms here:
All federally funded employers must provide employees an opportunity to self disclose if they have a disability or are a veteran of the armed services. The surveys are completely voluntary and any information captured remains confidential. Disclosure of this information will not result in adverse employment action. The data will only be used to comply with reporting requirements and establish a reporting benchmark. If you would like more information about the requirement, visit:
Colloquium & Public Lecture: The Parity Violation Program at JLab - Past, Present and Future
Jefferson Lab has become a leading facility for accelerator-based precision parity violation research. Roger Carlini, Jefferson Lab's Experimental Nuclear Physics Division, will give an overview of the scientific motivation, results, methodology and evolving technology driving some of the measurements already completed and in Jefferson Lab's future. These experiments are unlike any others conducted at the laboratory, because, in a very real sense, the experimental apparatus is the entire accelerator complex, stretching from the polarized injector to the instrumentation in the end stations. The talk will be held in the CEBAF Center auditorium on Sept. 17 at 3 p.m. Cookies and coffee will be offered in the CEBAF Center lobby at 2:30 p.m.
Got 18 Minutes? View TEDxCERN Live Stream at Jefferson Lab
Jefferson Lab will stream the TEDxCERN 2014 event in the CEBAF Center auditorium on Sept. 24, 7:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. The event provides a unique stage to demonstrate that science is essential to shaping the landscape for future generations. The event will be hosted by Brian Cox, known as the rock-star physicist and a University of Manchester professor. Featured speakers include Jamie Edwards, who at the age of 13 became the youngest person ever to achieve nuclear fusion, and Danielle Fong, the co-founder and chief scientist of LightSail Energy, among many others. Jefferson Lab staff, users and students are free to come and go as they wish during the TEDxCERN live stream. For more information, contact Mike Robbins, x7617. The current schedule is available online (note that times are CEST, Geneva local time).
JAG Dog Training Club Canine Acting Class
When you're walking your dog down the street, do people stop you and say your dog should be in the movies? Then you should join the JAG Dog Training Club this fall for the Canine Acting Class! This is a very motivational class that is designed to develop your dog's special talents, while also learning the basic skills needed for a successful canine actor. If you hope to have your dog work in television, film or theater, mum’s the word: He must be able to recognize and respond to hand signals. To become a member of this class, your dog must have a firm sit, down, stay and come when called around distractions. At the end of the class in December, the club will produce a short video. The first class will be Tuesday, Sept. 30 at 7 p.m. in the Support Service Center lobby. Classes will meet on Tuesday evenings until Dec. 16 (no class will be held Thanksgiving week). For more information, contact Joyce Miller, x7163, or Brian Kross, x7022.
Register for Jefferson Lab Fall Golf Outing
The 2014 Jefferson Lab Fall Golf Outing will be held on Friday, Oct. 17, at the Golden Horseshoe Golf Club (Green Course) in Williamsburg, Va. The tourney will kick off at noon with a shotgun start. The format will be a handicapped Captains Choice. Your foursome must include at least two Jefferson Lab employees. The cost for JLab employees (you qualify if you receive a paycheck from JSA - Jefferson Science Associates, LLC) is $60. The cost for non-JLab employees is $75. The cost includes range balls, green fees, cart, and food after the tournament. To sign up, see Mike Zarecky, in the Technology and Engineering Development building, room 2500/19. When you sign up, you must list your average score for 18 holes. Make registration checks payable to Mike Zarecky. The registration deadline is Monday, Oct. 13. If you have any questions, contact Zarecky, x7609 or Danny Machie, x7501. You can find more information on the Jefferson Lab Golf League page.
Halls A, B and C Counting House Option for Storing Your Dosimeter
The Radiological Control department has now re-installed dosimetry racks in the lobby of the Halls A, B and C Counting House, building 97. If you are interested in having your dosimeter moved to that location, either email or call Becky Mosbrucker, dosimetry coordinator, at x7236 by Sept. 30.