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  • Health physicist chairs inaugural DOE-wide artificial intelligence learning committee

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    TL 1227

    Title: 5 MeV Mott Polarimetry at MESA

    Speaker: Rakshya Thapa

    Abstract: Parity-violating experiments like P2 at Mainz Energy-Recovering Superconducting Accelerator (MESA) demand accuracy of polarization measurement of ¿P/P < 1 %. To ensure electron beam polarization, a polarimetry chain with polarimeters at different energies is planned. This will help to track the beam polarization throughout the MESA lattice. A 5 MeV Mott polarimeter is planned as a part of the chain. This polarimeter is planned to run parallel to the Moller polarimeter and P2 experiment...

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    We kindly ask all attendees to provide their full name when entering the event. If attendees have questions for the speaker, please introduce yourself before asking the question.

    Speaker: Anthony Grebe (FermiLab)

    Title: Computing the Pion Light-Cone Distribution Amplitude Using the Heavy-Quark Operator Product Expansion

    Abstract: The light-cone distribution amplitude (LCDA) of the pion carries information about the momentum distribution of its quarks, which is an important input to various experiments. The LCDA can be expanded in terms of its Mellin...

  • Lectures and activities

    The timetable of HUGS activities (as of May 22nd( is now available here. This is as final as it gets for now - but HUGS is a live school, and adjustments are part of it: keep an eye on the Indico page! 

    INDICO page - the official program:

    The program will also be soon available on the ...

  • Conference Date
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    ARC 231/233

    This two-day event aims at bringing together the nuclear physics community to discuss recent progress and results in measurements of structure functions in inclusive reactions, at Jefferson Lab and other facilities. We will discuss recent experimental results (e.g. MARATHON, BONuS, F2 etc.) and their interpretations (e.g. PDF fitting), as well as new opportunities. We will also discuss the future of inclusive measurements at Jefferson Lab and beyond.

    The symposium will be hosted by the Virginia Tech physics department and will be held in-person, with a possibility to attend remotely...

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    We kindly ask all attendees to provide their full name when entering the event. If attendees have questions for the speaker, please introduce yourself before asking the question.

    Speaker: Aida El-Khadra (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)

    Title: The Dance of the Muon

    Abstract: More than eighty years after the muon was first discovered, it is still a source...

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    CEBAF Center

    Region II Physics Science Teacher Night for Elementary and Middle School Teachers

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    CEBAF Center Auditorium

    Physics Fest

  • Conference Date
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    CEBAF Center Auditorium

    Physics Fest

  • Conference Date
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    TL 1227

    Title: Energy-Efficient Accelerators with a Focus on Energy-Recovery Linacs

    Speaker: Andrew Hutton

    Abstract: Energy Recovery Linacs (ERLs) are inherently energy-efficient because the RF power needed for acceleration is recovered during deceleration. Energy recovery enables extremely high-power beams which are not economically or ecologically possible using a simple Linac. The fundamental...