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  • 20-26 April 2024
    ICISE Conference Center
    Quy Nhon, Vietnam

    Credit Card Information

    $(function () { //grab the entire query string...
  • Conference Date
    Conference Location

    Jefferson Lab
    12000 Jefferson Avenue
    Newport News, VA 23606

    Campus Directions and additional details for Workshop Attendees
    may be found on the Important Dates / Notices page

    Timetable available on Indico

    Software and computing have become drivers in Nuclear Physics (NP) due to the explosive growth of...

  • Conference Location

    12000 jlab ave


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  • Conference Date
    Conference Location

    Jefferson Lab
    12000 Jefferson Avenue
    Newport News, VA 23606

    The Workshop on Polarized Sources,Targets, and Polarimetry has been a tradition for more than 20 years, moving between Europe, USA, and Asia. The 20th International Workshop on Polarized Sources, Targets, and Polarimetry (PSTP 2024) will take place at Jefferson Lab, in Newport News, Virginia. The workshop addresses technical challenges and accomplishments related to polarized gas/solid targets, polarized electron/positron/ion/neutron sources, polarimetry, polarized beam transport, and applications of polarized techniques.

  • Make your hotel reservations by August 21st to receive the group rate!

    Register for the conference by August 23rd to receive the discounted "early-bird" registration rate!

  • A recording of the Cake Seminar given by Chueng Ji on July 10th, 2024. 

    A talk by Chueng Ji.

  • JLab Safety Minute Video Series: Slips, Trips, and Falls

    The first video from the launch of the JLab Safety Minute, our newest safety initiative at the lab. The JLab Safety Minute is a series of short, one-minute safety videos that will be released quarterly. During these clips, our own Chad Bailey (Industrial Safety Program Lead) will cover best practices for maintaining a safe workspace. These bite-sized videos are designed to be both informative and entertaining.


  • JLab Safety Minute Video Series: Fall Protection

    The second video from the JLab Safety Minute, our newest safety initiative at the lab. The JLab Safety Minute is a series of short, one to two minute safety videos that will be released quarterly. During these clips, our own Chad Bailey (Industrial Safety Program Lead) will cover best practices for maintaining a safe workspace. These bite-sized videos are designed to be both informative and entertaining.