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  • It is time for Jefferson Lab to embark on a new phase of life as a national laboratory -- a new phase in which we expand our view and ambition toward a broader role within the Department of Energy’s science mission.  While we maintain a focus on fundamental nuclear science, we have an opportunity and a duty to seek even greater impact in scientific discovery, technology development, regional and national priorities. With that in mind, it is time to plan for the Jefferson Lab of the Future.

  • Jefferson Lab is a Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC) which is maintained and operating by JSA under our contract with the Department of Energy (DOE). Key sections of the prime JSA/DOE Contract, which lab personnel may need to refer to from time to time, are found below and will be updated as significant changes in the contract occur:


  • 2015

    • Or Hen - Israel Physical Society prize for excellent graduate student in experimental physics
    • Kyungseon Joo - Fulbright Scholar


    • Phil Cole - Fulbright Scholar
    • Michel Guidal - Received Joliot-Curie prize from the Société Française de Physique
    • Stepan Stepanyan - Fellow of the American Physical Society
    • Reinhard Schumacher - Fellow of the American Physical Society
    • Enzo DeSanctis - elected Emeritus Fellow of Italian Physical Society