Rocco Schiavilla


Rocco Schiavilla
Theory Center Senior Staff, Jefferson Lab
Professor of Physics, Old Dominion University

Born Villa Castelli, Italy; Laurea, Universita' di Pisa, Italy, 1981; Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1987. Postdoctoral appointments: DPhN/HE Saclay, France, 1987-1988; CEBAF, 1988-1990; Argonne National Laboratory, 1990-1992. Staff Scientist, INFN-Lecce, Italy, 1992-1993; Senior Staff Scientist, Jefferson Lab, 1993-present, and Professor of Physics, Old Dominion University, 2002-present. Author of papers on the structure and dynamics of light nuclei, and the development and application of quantum Monte Carlo techniques to the nuclear many-body problem. Honors: Enrico Fermi Scholar, Argonne National Laboratory, 1990-1992. Fellow of the American Physical Society.

Research Highlights

  • Nuclear interactions and currents
  • Electroweak structure and response of light nuclei
  • Weak and radiative capture reactions of astrophysical interest in light nuclei
  • Hamiltonian approach to the relativistic dynamics of nuclei
  • Exact quantum Monte Carlo methods for nuclei