JLab and Partnership Logos

Usage of the Jefferson Lab Logo - The following examples demonstrate correct use of the lab logo. Requests to use the Jefferson Lab logo by outside entities for conference posters, advertisements, presentations, websites, or other communications may be granted for one-time use on a case-by-case basis. If you need assistance in using the logo or if you represent an outside entity and would like to request permission to use the logo, contact the Jefferson Lab Communications office at jlabinfo@jlab.org or by calling 757-269-7689.

* NOTE: These EPS files have a transparent background and are intended to be opened in Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator. If prompted to do so, when opening EPS files select 300 dpi for best resolution.


Jefferson Lab Logo black - Slogan as Caption
Jefferson Lab Logo White - Slogan as Caption
EIC Logo With Caption - Dark Background
EIC Logo With Caption - White Background
EIC Logo No Caption - Dark Background
EIC Logo No Caption - White Background
Jefferson Lab Logo black - Slogan as Caption
Jefferson Lab Logo White - Slogan as Caption
EIC Logo With Caption - Dark Background
EIC Logo With Caption - White Background
EIC Logo No Caption - Dark Background
EIC Logo No Caption - White Background