What is the purpose of the rule?
- The Rule requires that DOE contractor workers are provided with a workplace that is free from recognized hazards that can cause death or serious physical harm.
- To accomplish this objective, the Rule establishes management and worker responsibilities, worker rights, safety and health standards, and required training.
- The Rule replaces the Contractor Requirements Document (CRD) of DOE O 440.1A "Worker Protection Management for DOE Federal and Contractor Employees."
What does it mean to Jefferson Lab?
- No work after compliance date of May 25, 2007 without an approved program
- Ensure workplace is free of recognized hazards
- Provide workers with adequate protection
- Comply with workplace safety and health requirements (some new requirements, e.g. pressure safety)
- Ensure work is performed in accordance with approved Worker Health and Safety Program (WHSP)
- Internally report and investigate each occurrence, near miss that could cause death or serious injury.
- Evaluate events for DOE reportability against 10CFR851 non-compliance
- Civil penalties up to $70K per violation per day for continuing violations
- Civil penalty mitigation for self identification and prompt reporting (50%) and for prompt and comprehensive corrective action (50%)
- No mitigation for self-disclosing events