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  • DEIA Vision Statement 

    Jefferson Lab is committed to promoting a diverse, equitable, inclusive and accessible workplace for all employees and scientific users. We believe in fostering a psychologically safe culture in which everyone is respected and empowered to be their authentic self. We aim to build a sustainable workforce to promote innovation by attracting and retaining a diverse group of people to the lab and supporting their ongoing development. 

  • DEIA 2024 Event Calendar

    Join your colleagues on Thursday, Sept. 12, at 2 p.m. for a virtual training course delivered by ComPsych. The course will provide crucial guidance on recognizing and addressing mental health challenges in the workplace with the goals of fostering a supportive work environment, reducing stigma, and enhancing mental health and well-being. Additional information coming soon. 


    The lab will celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month from Sunday, Sept. 15, to Tuesday, Oct. 15! Hispanic Heritage Month raises awareness of the immense contributions of Hispanic individuals and communities to society and culture, including trailblazing scientists, artists and activists who have expanded our worldview and inspire future generations. Stay tuned for information about the lab’s Hispanic Heritage Month event coming soon!