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  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology research scientist aims to use Artificial Intelligence to support the EIC science

    What is your role in the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC)?
    I am the convener of the computing team at the EIC Comprehensive Chromodynamics Experiment (ECCE) consortium, a proposal for an EIC experiment.

  • The Jefferson Lab Angular Momentum (JAM) Collaboration is an enterprise involving theorists, experimentalists, and computer scientists from the Jefferson Lab community using QCD to study the internal quark and gluon structure of hadrons and nuclei.

  • “When you see the true dedication and selfless commitment of the service members around you, you can’t help but feel proud to be part of the best service in the world.”

    “We didn’t have a base. We had a bay. And our whole mission was to stay hidden,” Scott Bentivegna recalls of his time serving as a submarine officer in the U.S. Navy.

  • “Everyone you meet has a story, and getting to hear those stories was very inspiring.”

    “Say you’re out in the middle of the ocean with a crew of 20 people or less. If something fails on the vessel, you have to be prepared to correct the issue efficiently,” Brinn Ruiz explained.

    As a watercraft engineer, Ruiz became proficient in electrical, HVAC, welding and diesel mechanics through extensive testing and real-time experience. He recalls that there was a lot of pressure to learn and hone these trades quickly. The experience also shaped his leadership skills.

  • Theoretical nuclear and particle physicist and postdoctoral fellow at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the EIC Center at Jefferson Lab uses the solidity of mathematics to explore fundamental questions where Nature has the final say

  • smiling portrait of Amitoj Singh – Computer Scientist

    When asked to show off his workspace for this article, Computer Scientist Amitoj Singh had just moved with his family from Illinois, where he worked at Fermilab, to his home in Hampton—closer to his new job at Jefferson Lab.

  • Searching for a hill to climb on a flat peninsula

    As the head of Jefferson Lab’s new Data Science department, Malachi Schram, prepares to move across the country from his mountainside home in Washington state to the lab’s headquarters in Newport News, he has more than just simple adjustments to make. Schram, a competitive ultra-runner, needs to figure out where to find the big hills.

  • JAM has a number of parton distribution function and fragmentation function sets publicly available in LHAPDF format, which can be accessed by downloading the tarball files here.  Please refer to the LHAPDF website for instructions on how to use its interface.

    The following PDF/FF sets are available with the corresponding LHAPDF ID numbers:

    Pion PDFs

  • See below for recent highlights of TMDs in JAM.  Click images for enlargement.