Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs August 9, 2017

Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
August 9, 2017


Jefferson Lab Publications Application: New Development
Authors and administrators can add citations to their previously published papers. Log in to Publications, view one of your published papers using the "My Papers" link, and click the "Add/Update Citation." You may select formats in the dropdown list provided and type in the citation. The default citation format is AIP Citation, and the citation information will be added by Publications staff moving forward.

Publications Refresher Course Offered Aug. 10
The next Publications Training and Refresher course will take place Thursday, Aug. 10, at 10:30 a.m. in CEBAF Center room F228. If you plan to attend, R.S.V.P. to by close of business on Aug. 9.

History Archives Photo of the Week
This week's photo of the week features Secretary of Energy Bill Richardson engaged with BEAMS students during his January 1999 visit to Jefferson Lab. The BEAMS students were participating in a "slow-bike" race.

Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics

Parton distribution functions (PDFs) describe the relation between a hadron and the quarks and gluons (or partons) within it, carrying rich information on the hadron's partonic structure. They have been traditionally extracted from experimental data.  Theorists have been trying to develop new methods and techniques to extract these fundamental functions directly from lattice QCD simulations of "quasi"-PDFs. By proving the renormalizability of "quasi"-PDFs, recent work makes the extraction of PDFs from lattice QCD calculations potentially possible and reliable.

Jefferson Lab Calendar of Events

Aug. 11: Red Cross Blood Drive
Aug. 15-17: DOE Accelerator Safety Workshop
Sept. 4: Labor Day holiday: Jefferson Lab closed
Sept. 5-8: Hadronic Physics with Lepton and Hadron Beams
Sept. 12-15: International Workshop on Physics with Positrons at Jefferson Lab
Sept. 18: Safety Shoe Truck onsite

Environment, Safety, Health and Quality

ESH&Q Division Invites Lab Community to Visit New Building on Aug. 17
Members of the Environmental, Safety, Health and Quality Division invite the lab community to visit its new home in Building 52 on Thursday, Aug. 17, 10 a.m. – noon. The open house will give the lab community a chance to visit the new building, learn about some of its features, and catch up with many members of the lab’s ESH&Q staff. Light snacks will be provided in the conference room. While you are there, pick up a ticket for a small raffle being planned.

Presentation of the Investigation Results from the FSU High Field Magnet Lab Fatality
The lead investigator will give an encore presentation on the results of the investigation into the fatality at Florida State University. The causes of this event were widespread, ranging from design issues, to Lock/Tag/Try, training and human performance, all of which are pertinent to our work planning at Jefferson Lab. The presentation will be made at the Accelerator Safety Workshop on Wednesday, Aug. 16, at 2:30 p.m. in the CEBAF Center Auditorium. The auditorium is open seating, with the exception of the first 8-10 rows, which is reserved for the conference participants.

Computing and Networking Infrastructure

IT Division Maintenance Set for Tuesday, Aug. 15
The IT Division is planning its monthly maintenance period for Tuesday, Aug. 15, 5-7 p.m. During this maintenance period, there will be a brief outage to the external internet while firewalls are updated. In addition, patches for Windows, Linux and Macintosh systems will be released to all servers and desktops. IT Servers will be rebooted overnight to finalize this patch installation, which will result in short service outages. To finalize patch installation, plan on rebooting your Jefferson Lab-managed desktop system no later than Friday, Aug. 18.  If you have any questions or concerns about this outage, contact the IT Division Helpdesk at or x7155.


Red Cross Blood Drive Set for Aug. 11
An American Red Cross Blood Drive will take place at Jefferson Lab on Friday, Aug. 11, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. in CEBAF Center, room F113. New and repeat donors are encouraged to attend. Walk-ins are welcome. All participation is appreciated. For information on scheduling an appointment and the new Rapid Pass system that can save time at the donation site, see the memo.

Undergraduate’s Path to the Stars Leads Through the Proton
Alexandra Cramer has always been interested in science. Now, she is the latest recipient of the Jefferson Science Associates (JSA) Minority/Female Undergraduate Research Assistantship (MFURA) at Jefferson Lab. Read more here.

Volunteers Sought for United Way Day of Caring
The 2017 United Way Day of Caring for the Virginia Peninsula will take place Wednesday, Sept. 6. Several health and human services organizations throughout Hampton Roads will benefit from the hard work and generous efforts of volunteers for numerous projects. Jefferson Lab is offering employees the opportunity to volunteer for these efforts. Volunteers are encouraged to sign up by the Aug. 30 deadline. See the full memo for information.

Subaru Key Fob Found on Aug. 7 on Accelerator Site
An electronic Subaru key fob was found on Aug. 7 between Buildings 85 and 87 on the Accelerator Site. For for more information and details on claiming it, see We Hear That.

Last Chance: JSA Initiatives Fund Program Proposals
JSA is soliciting proposals for Initiatives Fund support for the FY17 program from members of the Jefferson Lab user community, Jefferson Lab researchers and staff, and other individuals or groups who can make unique contributions to the lab's research, development, education and technology transfer missions. The Initiatives Fund is provided by the JSA owners, SURA and PAE. Proposals are due Aug.11. For application information and details, see the full announcement.

Aug. 14 Class Date Set for New SOTR Training
A training session for new Subcontracting Officer Technical Representatives (GEN020) will take place on Monday, Aug. 14, 8 a.m.-12:30 p.m. in Room 53 of the Support Service Center, Bldg. 28. Anyone who has recently been tasked to serve as a SOTR (or will be tasked) on any project at Jefferson Lab is required to attend this training. Attending this class is one part of the certification process for all SOTRs. The registration deadline is 5 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 11. Participants can register in the Learning Management System. Questions regarding this training or the SOTR certification process may be directed to Mitch Laney, x5338.

DOE Sponsors Food Drive at Jefferson Lab
The Department of Energy is again participating in the “Feds Feed Families” food drive this year, Aug. 7-18. At Jefferson Lab, the Thomas Jefferson Site Office will be collecting donations from its federal employees to benefit the Foodbank of the Virginia Peninsula. There is no expectation of Jefferson Lab employee participation in this program, although anyone wishing to contribute may do so. See the full memo for details.

Sept. 27 Symposium to Honor George Neil’s Career, Service to Jefferson Lab
George Neil officially retired from Jefferson Lab in mid-July, after 27 years of service to the laboratory. A symposium in his honor will be held Sept. 27 to review, discuss, and honor some of the world-leading projects that he has been involved with, stretching back to his work at Stanford. More information and registration is available online.

JLab Weekly Briefs is an ongoing publication providing information on the status of safety, accelerator operations, experiments, reviews, upcoming activities and special events. Deadline for submission is every Tuesday by 10 a.m. Submit new items to: the Communications Office or contact Kandice Carter at x7263.