Jefferson Lab Published Journal Articles, Aug. 27-Sept. 9
- Radyushkin, A.V., "Quasi-parton distribution functions, momentum distributions, and pseudo-parton distribution functions." Phys. Rev. D 96, 034025 (2017).
- Corliss, R. and DarkLight Collaboration, "Searching for a dark photon with DarkLight." Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A, 865, 125 (2017).
Remember to submit your papers for approval to the Jefferson Lab Publications database.
History Archives Photo of the Week
This week's photo of the week shows an aerial view of CEBAF Center in 1992. In case you missed it, last week's photo from 1996 featured a view from the back of the CLAS detector into the inside before it was fully assembled.
Publications Training and Refresher Course Offered Sept. 27
The next Publications Training and Refresher course will take place Wednesday, Sept. 27, at 3:30 p.m. in CEBAF Center room F228. If you're new at the lab or just need to brush up on the use of the publications system, please plan to attend. If you plan to attend, contact Kim Edwards at by close of business on Tuesday, Sept. 26.
Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics
The nature of the features responsible for dynamical chiral symmetry breaking is one of the longest-standing mysteries in QCD. The new paper studies the role of a class of topological objects, center vortices, through the ground-state hadron spectrum. The removal of center vortices from the vacuum results in a hadron spectrum that shows clear signals of chiral symmetry restoration, and thus that center vortices are responsible for dynamical chiral symmetry breaking.
Facilities Management & Logistics
CMSA Closed Friday, 9 a.m.–Noon
Jefferson Lab’s Central Materials Storage Area (CMSA) will be closed 9 a.m.–noon on Friday, Sept. 15. The CMSA will be closed to all regular activities while materials processing takes place. Questions may be directed to Rusty Sprouse at
Stockroom Will Re-Open on Monday, Sept. 18
The Jefferson Lab Technical Stockroom, located in Building 90, is currently closed for its annual inventory. The Stockroom will re-open at 8 a.m. on Monday, Sept. 18. Initially, the Stockroom was scheduled to re-open on Friday, Sept. 15, but due to the availability of the third-party vendor, the re-opening has been rescheduled for Sept. 18. Questions may be directed to Don Brown at or Christian Whalen at
Reminder: Appropriate Use of and Disposal of Government Property
There have been a few incidents recently involving improper use of and/or disposal of government property at Jefferson Lab. This notice is to remind all JSA employees and users that all equipment, tools, furniture and supplies purchased by JSA are the property of the U.S. Government and should only be used in the performance of work under the contract. Excess property and items no longer needed for work under the contract remain government property until disposed of through appropriate channels.
In addition, government-owned equipment and supplies may not be removed from the site without advance approval of the JSA Property Manager, Christian Whalen. If you have any questions or need help securing a property pass prior to taking equipment offsite for authorized business purposes, contact Christian directly at or x5899.
If you have any other questions about proper use and/or disposal of government property, contact Christian or consult the Property Management webpage.
Jefferson Lab Calendar of Events
Sept. 12-15: International Workshop on Physics with Positrons at Jefferson Lab
Sept. 18: Safety Shoe Truck onsite
Oct. 13: American Red Cross Blood Drive
Oct. 13: JAG Golf League 2017 Fall Golf Tournament |
Environment, Safety, Health and Quality
According to Jefferson Lab’s Workplace Harassment and Violence Policy, violence in the workplace, either implied or direct, is prohibited. If you see or are the subject of workplace violence, take the following action:
- If the situation is not one of immediate danger, report the incident to your supervisor, manager, Associate Director, Human Resources or security as soon as possible.
- If the situation is one of immediate danger, call 9-1-1, and take emergency steps appropriate to protect yourself from immediate harm.
For more information, review the full policy linked above and see ES&H Manual 3510 Appendix T4 - Active Threat Emergency Procedure.
Computing and Networking Infrastructure
IT Division Maintenance Period Set for 5-10 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept 19
From 5-10 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 19, the IT Division will be doing regularly scheduled maintenance on IT systems. During this period, there will be a brief network outage while firewalls are updated to new code. Logins to the and systems will be down for around 30 minutes while new licenses are installed and verified. In addition, all MIS applications will be down while updates are installed on the database systems. Office 2016 will be installed on the Jefferson Lab Terminal Servers (jlabts). In addition, all desktops in the Virtual Desktop Systems (VDI) will down while the underlying VDI environment is upgraded to a new version. Once the system is back up, all desktops will again be available. Central Common User Environment servers and webservers will be rebooted overnight while patches are finalized. Finally, all Windows and Linux patches will be released to all desktop systems. Plan on rebooting your CUE-managed desktop systems no later than Friday, Sept. 22, by close of business. If you have any questions or concerns, contact the IT Division Helpdesk at or x7155.
Jefferson Lab Vacation Donation Program Open Enrollment Begins Today
Human Resources is offering employees the opportunity to participate in the Vacation Donation Program, which provides financial assistance to employees during approved unpaid leaves related to a medical illness for themselves or an eligible family member. The employee must have exhausted all of his/her available sick and vacation leave and would otherwise be subject to a severe loss of income aside from this program. Other eligibility criteria must also be met. The open enrollment period for this program ends Wednesday, Sept. 20, at 5 p.m. For more information about the program and how to participate, see the full memo.
TIAA-CREF Individual Counseling Sessions Available
TIAA-CREF is offering Individual Counseling Sessions at Jefferson Lab, where you can discuss your personal financial situation with a consultant on a confidential basis. The consultant will be available to discuss how to help you achieve your financial goals by investing in financial solutions, such as mutual funds, brokerage, life insurance and annuities. Due to a recent cancellations, there is currently one appointment available for tomorrow, Sept. 14; book immediately to secure your slot. Additional appointments are available Oct. 19 and Nov. 16. To schedule an appointment, call TIAA-CREF at (800) 732-8353, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.–8 p.m. These appointments will be held in Support Service Center room 221.
High School Student Mentoring Opportunity
Science Education is looking for lab staff to serve as mentors for local Governor's School students. The Governor's School Mentorship Program is designed to help students explore possible career paths. Those serving as mentors would need to provide a project that can be completed in an academic school year with the student working five hours per week/35 hours per quarter (nine weeks). If you are interested in serving as a mentor, contact Brita R. Hampton by Friday, Sept. 15.
Jefferson Lab Library Is Moving
While the Library move is currently underway, Library staff is committed to continue to provide the resources that are needed to drive world-class science at the laboratory. The books in the lab's catalog will be housed in a temporary location until the new permanent space is ready. During this transition period, Library staff members encourage patrons to use the library catalog to request items. Make your requests for items and inter-library loans using the help page. If you have any questions or need assistance, contact Library staff via
Plan Now for the JAG Fall Festival on Nov. 1
The Jefferson Lab Activities Group will be hosting a Fall Festival and Picnic on Wednesday, Nov. 1, on the Residence Facility field. All Jefferson Lab staff, users and their families will be invited to the event, which will be filled with food, fun and prizes. This year, the event will feature two activities that will require advance planning by participants, a Homebrew Beer Competition and a Trunk-or-Treat Contest. For details and instructions for entering these events, see the full memo.
Registration Underway for 2017 Fall Golf Tournament
The Jefferson Lab Golf League has announced its 2017 fall tournament, which will be held on Friday, Oct. 13, at the Golden Horseshoe Golf Club (Green Course). To enter, your foursome must include at least two Jefferson Lab employees. Registration deadline is Oct. 9. For more information, see the JAG Golf League webpage.
Red Cross Blood Drive Set for Oct. 13
An American Red Cross Blood Drive will take place at Jefferson Lab on Friday, Oct. 13, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. in CEBAF Center, room F113. New and repeat donors are encouraged to attend. Walk-ins are welcome. All participation is appreciated. For information on scheduling an appointment and the new Rapid Pass system that can save time at the donation site, see the full memo.
DOE’s Newest Podcast Features Dark Matter Experiments
Episode six of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Direct Current podcast is a film-noir tribute to the dark matter experiments taking place at the national labs. Jefferson Lab Users Natalia Toro and Philip Schuster both participated in the production. You can listen to it here. |