- Proposal Phase
- • Submit proposal to Jefferson Lab. Each proposal must include a filled-in ES&H Hazard Identification Check List and Beam Requirements List.
- • Preliminary review of technical aspects of the proposal by the Jefferson Lab Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). Some of the more technically challenging proposals may be additionally reviewed by an Independent Technical Review panel.
- • Review of the scientific merits of the proposal by the Jefferson Lab Program Advisory Committee (PAC).
- • Decision by the Director of Jefferson Lab to grant beam-time. This decision is formally made by a letter from the Director accompanying the PAC report.
- • Submit proposal to Jefferson Lab. Each proposal must include a filled-in ES&H Hazard Identification Check List and Beam Requirements List.
- Approved Proposal: Preliminary Planning Phase
- • The spokespersons and the Hall Leader will describe the experiment, the equipment to be used and the required utilities; include a safety consideration of new equipment (or potential new hazards to existing equipment) and submit a filled-in Experiment Description and Requirements List to the Physics Division Deputy Director (PDDD). (Template A - .pdf | .docx)
- • Within three months after reception of the Experiment Description and Requirements List, Jefferson Lab Physics Division Deputy Director (PDDD) will assign a Liaison Physicist and Experimental Readiness Review calendar. This calendar includes a break-down of any specific equipment design requiring safety analysis (and dedicated equipment reviews), and an anticipated overall experiment review schedule. Not all experiments will require a full series of reviews (Template B - .pdf | .docx)
- • The spokespersons and the Hall Leader will describe the experiment, the equipment to be used and the required utilities; include a safety consideration of new equipment (or potential new hazards to existing equipment) and submit a filled-in Experiment Description and Requirements List to the Physics Division Deputy Director (PDDD). (Template A - .pdf | .docx)
- Design Phase (Users and Experimental Hall responsibility)
- • Carry out a safety analysis of the specific equipment design and write a Preliminary Experimental Safety Assessment Document for this equipment (PESAD).
- • Identify safety issues for the specific equipment as operating in planned experiment (including tests and commissioning) and incorporate mitigating measures.
- • Review of PESAD by Jefferson Lab Review Committee (RC).
- • Provide the complete conceptual design of the full equipment required for the experiment. Decommissioning plans for target and activated components must also be developed as appropriate.
- • Review by Jefferson Lab's RC, including subject matter experts, before construction phase starts.
- • Carry out a safety analysis of the specific equipment design and write a Preliminary Experimental Safety Assessment Document for this equipment (PESAD).
- Construction Phase (Users and Experimental Hall responsibility)
- • Fabricate equipment to design.
- • This includes the assembly and testing of the experimental equipment prior to moving it to the Hall. Follow the Physics division Work Planning Requirements found here.
- • Test individual elements of the equipment to verify performance and operations procedures. This may require a Work Control Document (OSP/TOSP).
- • This will require a task list (halist, hblist, hclist, hdlist, pslist) at a minimum. Once individual components are assembled into a system an OSP will be required for the system as per the Physics division Work Planning Requirements found found here.
- • Document the equipment and develop written operations procedures for its commissioning and use (to be referenced in the OSP, ESAD and the Conduct of Operations document).
- • Fabricate equipment to design.
- Scheduling of Experiment by Jefferson Lab
- • At this stage, fabrication of the equipment should be completed or near-completed.
Before scheduling can be requested:
- Calculate and document an Experiment Operating Envelope (EOE) for all combinations of beam conditions and target(s) planned. Request RadCon to provide an initial Radiation Budget (Memo) and a formal Radiation Safety Assessment Document (RSAD) for the experiment that explicitly includes the calculations of the EOE and addresses the ES&H issues it raises.
- Complete a final safety analysis of the equipment and write a preliminary formal Experiment Safety Assessment Document (ESAD). This document must include an assessment of all safety hazards and must explicitly reference the RSAD.
- Review of the Radiation Budget by the Jefferson Lab Radiation Review Panel (JRRP) if the planned Experiment Operations Envelope (EOE) is within a factor of two or exceeds the previous maximum for the Hall.
- Review by Jefferson Lab's RC, including subject matter experts, before the scheduling phase starts. This review includes an Experiment Installation Plan, timeline and resource requirements.
- Things that must be presented or available for the Experimental Readiness Review can be found Here
(This review will generate the basic Experiment Installation Checklist, or EIC, identifying the items to be checked at installation prior to issuance of the Experiment Readiness Clearance. Issues or concerns raised during the course of this or subsequent reviews will be entered onto the experiment's Issue/Concern Checklist, or ICC. )
After this review, the experiment layout and components are considered frozen, and any design modifications will require a change control, approved by the Division Management.
A scheduling request can be submitted to the Physics Division Associate Director who will transmit to the JLAB Scheduling Committee.
- • At this stage, fabrication of the equipment should be completed or near-completed.
- Equipment Installation (Users and Experimental Hall responsibility)
- • Install new equipment in experimental area.
(Note: The preliminary ESAD for the equipment must be approved by the RC prior to installation of the new equipment. For complex systems this may be done in phases, with the installation of major subsystems following the review of the section of the ESAD that deals with that subsystem.)
- • Install target and any equipment necessary to ensure operation within the approved safety envelope. (Note: The RSAD for the experiment must be approved by the RC prior to the installation of the target.)
- • Install new equipment in experimental area.
(Note: The preliminary ESAD for the equipment must be approved by the RC prior to installation of the new equipment. For complex systems this may be done in phases, with the installation of major subsystems following the review of the section of the ESAD that deals with that subsystem.)
- Preparation for Running the Experiment
- • Submit to the Jefferson Lab PDDD documentation on personnel and procedures at least one month before the start of the experiment:
- Submit final ESAD.
- Submit final RSAD.
- Submit COO (Conduct of Operations Document). In the COO describe Experiment Responsibilities, Collaboration Organization, Operations Personnel, Training Required, etc.
- Submit Safety Check lists.
- Submit ERG (Emergency Response Guidelines).
- Submit experimental procedures, both for shift leaders and shift takers (in the form of how-to's or on wiki pages) and for experts (in the form of an operations manual and/or OSPs).
(Note: The bulk of the experiment procedures will be in the form of an operations manual for the major experimental equipment that will be referenced by the COO.)
- • Pre-operation checkout of equipment installation and procedures by experiment collaboration can be done with work control documents. This serves to verify operability after installation and to review integration to the extent possible without the use of beam.
- • Jefferson Lab review of the safety of the installed equipment prior to its use with beam.
(This review will be carried out by Division Safety Officer in collaboration with subject matter experts, further EH&S Personnel, and the assigned Liaison Physicist, verifying conformance to the ESAD and checking functionality of safety aspects of the apparatus and items and issues specifically identified on the Experiment Installation Checklist by the RC review.)
- • Experiment Readiness Clearance (ERC) issued by AD for Physics.
(Note: This will include a verification that all reviews are in place, as denoted in the Experiment Readiness Checklist. It also verifies that the experiment installation check has been completed, as documented on the Experiment Installation Checklist, and that all issues and concerns have been satisfactorily resolved, as detailed in the Issue/Concern Checklist.)
- • Submit to the Jefferson Lab PDDD documentation on personnel and procedures at least one month before the start of the experiment:
- Commission equipment (following written procedures documented in COO)
- • (Note: If planned EOE is outside the previous maximum for the Hall, commissioning procedures will incorporate radiation safety verification measurements as required by the Jefferson Lab Radiation Review Panel).
- Run the experiment (following written procedures documented in COO)
- • (If the equipment changes at any time over the course of the experiment, the spokesperson must notify the Hall Leader and the RC chair, in writing. Such changes might include changing inert to flammable gas mixtures, for example, or changing from a non-hazardous to a hazardous target material. The Hall Leader and the RC chair will determine whether the change requires a revision of the experiment's EH&S documentation and/or additional formal reviews.)
- Decommission the equipment (if appropriate) and store or dispose of target and/or contaminated apparatus properly
- • Please follow all safety guidelines.
- For apparatus that will/may be used again (e.g. the Base Equipment in the Halls), review experience to date and, as appropriate:
- • Update ESAD for equipment.
- • Update written procedures for equipment use.
- • Update ESAD for equipment.
Additional Links
- Proposal Submission
- Guidelines for Proposals
- Previous ERR Documentation
- Reports
- Archives
- Directory of Proposals
- Membership
- Summary Workshops
- Experiment Summaries
6 GeV: pdf
12 GeV: pdf