Talks given at the Annual Users Group Meeting 2003
- Donal Day: Nucleon Form Factors: Experiment and Data [ pdf ]
- John Ralston: How We Came to Understand Confinement [ ppt | pdf ]
- Reinhard Schumacher: Strangeness Production Experiments at Jefferson Lab [ pdf ]
- Steve Cotanch: Explicit and Hidden Strangeness at Jefferson Lab: Selected Results and Some Ideas for the Future [ pdf ]
- Larry Weinstein: So Where are the Quarks? Seven Years of Nuclear Physics at CEBAF [ pdf ]
- Misak Sargsian: QCD and Nuclear Physics [ pdf ]
- Keith Griffioen: Seven Years of Structure Functions [ ps ]
- Wally Melnitchouk: Structure Functions of the Nucleon in the Resonance-Scaling Frontier [ ps ]
- Paul Ulmer: JLab Few-Body Physics Experiments [ pdf ]
- Franz Gross: Few-Body Physics: Theory [ ppt | pdf ]
- Michel Garcon: Generalized Parton Distributions: an experimenter's approach [ pdf ]
- Krishna Kumar: Parity Violation Experiments [ ppt | pdf ]
- Mike Ramsey-Musolf: Parity Violation: Past, Present, and Future [ ppt | pdf ]
- Steve Dytman: Review of Hadron Spectroscopy Experiments [ pdf ]
- Simon Capstick: Theory of the Hadron (Baryon Spectrum [ ppt | pdf ]
- Larry Cardman: JLab Nuclear Physics at 12 GeV and Beyond [ ppt | pdf ]