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  • Using Computers to Demystify Science and Enable More Efficient Research

    Thomas Britton has loved computers since he was first introduced to them in kindergarten. His voluminous resume reflects his passion for developing robust systems and complex and integrated software solutions. Britton is also multilingual, when it comes to computers. He’s conversant in ten different computer programming languages: C, C++, Python, Bash, Shell, HTML, JavaScript, PHP, CSS, MySQL. 

  • Monitoring more than 300 servers and 1,300 workstations, Systems Administrator Myung Bang strives to make working at Jefferson Lab accessible and efficient. 

  • Position Descriptions are one of the key documents used in Human Resources to classify jobs, clarify expectations and requirements, as well as communicate responsibilities and duties of a job. 

    Current Position Descriptions are required to be updated when a position is being filled, a job posting is developed, and for promotions.  Position Descriptions should also be updated when there is a considerable change in scope or responsibilities.

  • In order to qualify as a Host for a Foreign National guest at JLab, you must:

    • be a JSA/DOE employee and
    • have completed annual Host Training (GEN 006)

    As a Host of non-U.S. citizens visiting or working at Jefferson Lab, you  have certain obligations that must be  followed to satisfy U.S. Department of Energy requirements (DOE O 142.3A). These obligations  include but are not limited to the following:

    Hosts of non-U.S. citizen guests  must:

  • Jefferson Lab is subject to the Department of Energy's Order on Unclassified Foreign Visits (on-site less than 30 days) and Assignments (on-site 30 days or more). This order requires the Lab to collect more information concerning nationality and visa status than has been our practice in the past.

  • Foreign Workers and Social Security Numbers

    Social Security Numbers are used to report wages to the government. Social Security numbers can be assigned to foreign workers who are authorized to work in the United States. Information regarding application, forms, etc. can be found at the following url:

  • Stereotypes
    How Stereotypes Can Drive Women To Quit Science
    Walk into any tech company or university math department, and you'll likely see a gender disparity: Fewer women than men seem to go into fields involving science, engineering, technology and mathematics.

  • After working on two of the world's heavy-ion colliders, Satogata brings his life experiences and tireless passion for science to students and accelerators.

  • Mechanical designer uses expertise to craft equipment that enables cutting-edge experiments.

  • Jefferson Science Associates (JSA) is seeking candidates for THREE research assistantships for minority or female undergraduate students to work on projects that are part of the Lab's research program or directly related to the scientific or engineering aspects of the research program. JSA will provide funds to support the students at the University during the 2024-2025 academic year. This project is supported by the JSA Initiatives Fund Program, a commitment from the JSA owners and SURA.