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  • Introduction

    The purpose of the CEBAF Nomenclature Document (CND) is to provide a standard system of unique names to represent pieces of accelerator and experimental equipment. Naming is mostly limited to objects found along the beam line. Nomenclature identification is used on drawings, schematics, computer software, and other sources of information. IOCs and equipment racks have their own independent naming scheme. Items in the LERF and Halls may be included.

  • The purpose of the CEBAF Nomenclature Document (CND) is to provide Jefferson Lab employees with a standard system of unique names to represent specific pieces of accelerator and experimental equipment. Up to nine alphanumeric characters are used to identify a particular equipment, its system, and its location. Nomenclature identification is used on drawings, schematics, computer software, and other sources of information.

  • Avis Rent-A-Car..........................1-800-331-1212

    Enterprise Rent-A-Car...............1-800-325-8007

    Thrifty Car Rental........................1-800-367-2277

    Hertz Rent-A-Car.........................1-800-325-8007

    National Car Rental.....................1-800-227-7368


  • For emergencies dial 911, contact Security at 757-269-5822 and the on duty crew chief at 757-630-7050.

    Procuring Emergency Requirements

    Security Guard Service

    Staff Phonebook / Page JLab Staff Online 

  • JLab Walking Trail

    This plan shows the Jefferson Lab walking trail. As you use it, please remember that it was constructed on a bare-bones budget. There are no frills. It is yours to enjoy ... we hope everybody will help keep it clean.

    When walking on JLab property:

  • Jennifer Logan is the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Business/Finance Director at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility. In this position, she is responsible for leading, overseeing, and integrating the procurement, accounting and finance functions necessary to operate the laboratory. 

  • The Laboratory Budget and Program Support Office is responsible for lab-wide and division budget development and tracking as well as developing the Lab's indirect rates and providing financial forecasts. The Office also submits the Biennial Budget to the State of Virginia and the Annual Budget to the Department of Energy.

  • The Chief Operating Officer is responsible for the business functions of Jefferson Lab.

    These functions include procurement, facilities management resources and services including civil construction, security, property management, legal counsel, and Human Resources.

  • By Air
