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    Welcome Home, Vacuum Insulated Liquid Nitrogen Cryogenic Storage Vessel!

    Several years in the making, the liquid nitrogen dewar for the End Station Refrigeration 2 (ESR 2) has arrived on the lab campus. The ESR 2 system will feed cryogens to Halls A, B, and C, and it will replace ESR 1 by adding additional capacity to support the MOLLER Experiment.

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    Project Progress Summary

    July 23, 1991

    FET Operations

    • Two lengthy runs were completed, one achieving 43-MeV operation with a 10-microamp CW beam. Radiation surveys were conducted to measure neutron levels near the beam dumps. These levels were found to be very low. An operator training session was held for four new beam operators.

    WBS 1


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    Project Progress Summary

    July 30, 1991

    FET Operations

    • A WBS 1 team spent one day investigating characteristics and causes for cavity window arc trips. A beam run was made with 23-microampere, 41.5-MeV CW beam for beam position monitor studies.

    WBS 1


  • Monday, February 14th, 1:00PM (F224-225)
    Adam Freese (Jlab)[slides]

    Monday, February 21th, 1:00PM (F224-225)
    M Gabriel Santiago (CNF)[slides]

    Monday, March 13th, 1:00PM (F224-225)
    Rghav Ja (Jlab)[slides]

  • Monday, January 22nd, 1:00PM (hybrid)
    Kyle Lee (MIT) [slides][video]

    Monday, January 29th, 1:00PM (remote)
    Bigeng Wang (University of Kentucky) [slides][video]

  • The Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics pursues a broad program of theoretical research in all areas of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) and hadron physics, promoting and supporting the physics studied at Jefferson Lab and related facilities around the world.

  • Upcoming invited seminars

    Monday, September 23rd, 9:00AM (remote)
    Samson Clymton (Inha University)

    Monday, September 30th, 1:00PM (remote)
    Michael Wagman (Fermilab)

    Monday, October 7th, 9:00AM (remote)
    Yi-Bo Yang (Beijing, Inst. Theor. Phys.)

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    Project Progress Summary

    July 2, 1991

    Semi-Annual Review

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    Project Progress Summary

    July 9, 1991

    FET Operations

    • A regular operating schedule is being followed. We had a particularly successful run on Wednesday, July 3, with excellent beam quality through the entire front end. Various equipment problems continue to be solved as we work along.

    WBS 1

    HOM Loads: