- C. Weiss, Physics with eA(light) scattering at EIC and MCEGs for spectator tagging in eD
MCEGs for Future ep and eA Facilities, Erwin-Schrödinger-Institute, Vienna, Austria, 20-22 November - N. Sato, A new paradigm for QCD: universal analysis of nucleon structure & hadronization
CSSM/CoEPP seminar, University of Adelaide, 5-9 November - R. Briceno, Lattice spectroscopy at JLab
Strong QCD from Hadron Structure Experiments, Jefferson Lab, 5-9 November - C. Andres, Parton distributions from simultaneous global QCD analyses
Strong QCD from Hadron Structure Experiments, Jefferson Lab, 5-9 November - A. Radyushkin, Novel concepts for evaluation of the PDFs from QCD
Strong QCD from Hadron Structure Experiments, Jefferson Lab, 5-9 November - A. Szczepaniak, Amplitude analyses of meson photo and electroproduction: Results from JPAC
Strong QCD from Hadron Structure Experiments, Jefferson Lab, 5-9 November - J. Qiu, New horizons for strong QCD theory in the 12 GeV era at JLab
Strong QCD from Hadron Structure Experiments, Jefferson Lab, 5-9 November - W. Melnitchouk, MC methods for global QCD analysis of PDFs: a new “simultaneous” paradigm
Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics, Adelaide, Australia, 4-8 November - N. Sato, Machine learning for QCD theory and data analysis: Universal MC event generator
Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics, Adelaide, Australia, 4-8 November - J. Qiu, Summary workshop I
Electromagnetic Interactions with Nucleons and Nuclei, Paphos, Cyprus, 27 October - 2 November - N. Sato, Polarized PDFs from phenomenology
Electromagnetic Interactions with Nucleons and Nuclei, Paphos, Cyprus, 27 October - 2 November - J. Qiu, Overview of direct evaluation of parton distribution functions
Electromagnetic Interactions with Nucleons and Nuclei, Paphos, Cyprus, 27 October - 2 November - D. Richards, Extraction of pseudo-PDFs
Electromagnetic Interactions with Nucleons and Nuclei, Paphos, Cyprus, 27 October - 2 November - J. Qiu, Critical tests of QCD at the EIC
APS DNP Meeting, Arlington, Virginia, 14-17 October - W. Melnitchouk, Simultaneous MC analysis of PDFs: a new paradigm in global QCD studies
APS DNP Meeting, Arlington, Virginia, 14-17 October - N. Sato, Global fits for DIS and related processes
APS DNP Meeting, Arlington, Virginia, 14-17 October - C. Weiss, Next-generation nuclear physics with polarized light ions at EIC
APS DNP Meeting, Arlington, Virginia, 14-17 October - W. Melnitchouk, Simultaneous QCD analysis of quantum probability distributions
TNT seminar, NCSU, Raleigh, 8 October - C. Weiss, Spectator tagging with EIC: Physics and experimental requirements
Physics and Detector Requirements at Zero Degree, Stony Brook University, 24-26 September - C. Weiss, JLEIC forward detector design
Physics and Detector Requirements at Zero Degree, Stony Brook University, 24-26 September - W. Melnitchouk, Simultaneous QCD analysis of parton distributions
Rencontres du Vietnam, Quy Nhon, Vietnam, 23-28 September - T. Rogers, TMD factorization as it stands
POETIC2019, LBNL, Berkeley, 16-21 September - F. Delcarro, Phenomenological analysis of partonic Sivers distribution
POETIC2019, LBNL, Berkeley, 16-21 September - I. Balitsky, Conformal invariance of TMD rapidity evolution
POETIC2019, LBNL, Berkeley, 16-21 September - J. Qiu, TMD Collaboration meeting at LBNL
POETIC2019, LBNL, Berkeley, 16-21 September - N. Sato, Matching between TMD and collinear factorizations
POETIC2019, LBNL, Berkeley, 16-21 September - W. Melnitchouk, Simultaneous analysis of collinear parton distributions
HiX2019, Kolympari, Greece, August 20 - C. Weiss, Imaging subnuclear systems: Concepts, objectives, applications
CNF Imaging Workshop, Jefferson Lab, August 19-20 - A. Accardi, CTEQ-JLab global QCD analysis
HiX2019, Kolympari, Greece, August 18 - W. Melnitchouk, Isospin dependence in DIS from A=3 mirror nuclei
HiX2019, Kolympari, Greece, August 18 - E. Passem ar, Charged lepton flavour violation physics
DPF2019, Northeastern University, Boston, July 29-August 2 - C. Weiss, Partonic angular momentum in the nucleon’s chiral periphery
Complutense University, Madrid, July 19 - C. Weiss, Partonic angular momentum in the nucleon’s chiral periphery
Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, July 16 - E. Passemar, From axial form factor to neutrino cross sections
Precision Investigations of the Neutrino Sector, SLAC, July 14-17 - E. Passemar, Vus from hyperon weak decay
Form Factor, Polarization and CP Violation in Quantum-Correlated Hyperon-Antihyperon Production, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, July 6-8 - C. Andres, Initial conditions from jets: pA & AA
Initial Stages, Columbia University, New York, June 24-28 - C. Weiss, Next-generation hadronic physics with EIC
MENU2019, Carnegie Mellon University, June 4 - E. Passemar, Spectroscopy of light quarks
PHOTON2019, LNF, Frascati, Italy, June 3-7 - C. Andres, Introduction to QCD: lecture 1 and lecture 2
HUGS2019, Jefferson Lab, May 28-June 4 - E. Passemar, Kπ form factors from a dispersive approach
Current and Future Status of the First-Row CKM Unitarity, U. Massachusetts, Amherst, May 16-18 - C. Andres, JAM19: a combined global analysis of collinear PDFs and FFs
QCD Evolution, Argonne National Lab, May 13-17 - W. Melnitchouk, Quark-hadron duality in electron scattering
F2/EMC Collaboration Meeting, Jefferson Lab, May 1 - A. Accardi, CTEQ-JLab PDFs and d/u ratio at large x
F2/EMC Collaboration Meeting, Jefferson Lab, May 1 - E. Passemar, Theory of τ decays
Beyond the Standard Model with Precision Flavour Experiments, MIAPP, TUM Garching, Germany, April 15-May 17 - E. Passemar, CEPC Tau Working Group: Status Report
Circular Electron-Positron Collider, EU Edition 2019, Oxford, UK, April 15-17 - C. Andres, Global analysis of collinear distributions
Bound States in QCD and Beyond, St. Goar, Germany, April 9-12 - T. Rogers, Theory summary for Working Group 6: Spin and 3D structure
DIS2019, Torino, Italy, April 8-12 - N. Sato, Current status of spin-dependent parton distributions
DIS2019, Torino, Italy, April 8-12 - J. Guerrero, Testing collinear factorization in a spectator model with mass corrections
DIS2019, Torino, Italy, April 8-12 - N. Sato, Combined analysis of collinear PDFs and FFs
DIS2019, Torino, Italy, April 8-12 - A. Accardi, Spectrally novel FF sum rules and dynamical generation of mass
DIS2019, Torino, Italy, April 8-12 - N. Sato, Understanding the large pT spectrum in SIDIS
DIS2019, Torino, Italy, April 8-12 - J. Qiu, Nuclear femtography: A new frontier of science and technology
Physics Colloquium, University of Kansas, March 25 - C. Weiss, Final-state interactions in tagged deuteron DIS and Opportunities for tagged EMC studies with EIC
Quantitative Challenges in SRC and EMC Research, MIT, March 20-23 - C. Andres, High-pT asymmetries as a probe of the initial stages in heavy-ion collisions
High-pT Physics in the RHIC/LHC Era, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, March 19-22 - A. Accardi, Hadron mass corrections in SIDIS and DIS
Novel Probes of Nucleon Structure in SIDIS, e+e- and pp, Duke University, March 13-15 - W. Melnitchouk, Simultaneous analysis of unpolarized PDFs and fragmentation functions
Novel Probes of Nucleon Structure in SIDIS, e+e- and pp, Duke University, March 13-15 - N. Sato, Challenges and recent progress in SIDIS
Novel Probes of Nucleon Structure in SIDIS, e+e- and pp, Duke University, March 13-15 - E. Passemar, Hadronic decays of the tau lepton
e+e- Collisions from Φ to Ψ, Novosibirsk State University, Russia, February 25-March 1 - N. Sato, Machine learning planning exercise: theory applications
Computing Round Table, Jefferson Lab, February 12 - D. Richards, Center for Nuclear Femtography initiative
Computing Round Table, Jefferson Lab, February 12 - J. Qiu, Hadrons' partonic structure from ab initio lattice QCD calculations
UCLA Santa Fe Jets and Heavy Flavor Workshop, UCLA, Los Angeles, January 29 - N. Sato, Large transverse momentum in semi-inclusive DIS
Hall C Collaboration Meeting, Jefferson Lab, January 29 - E. Passemar, Probing new physics in lepton flavour violating tau decays
Rencontre de Physique des Particules, LPC, Clermont-Ferrand, France, January 23-25 - C. Weiss, Exploring structure and dynamics with GPDs at EIC
Extraction of GPDs from Global Fits of Current and Future Data, Heavy Ion Laboratory (Cyklotron), Warsaw, Poland, January 22-25 - E. Passemar, Dispersive analyses: perspectives and discussion
Future Challenges in Non-Leptonic B Decays, MITP, Mainz, Germany, January 14-18
2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005